Entitlement of LTA & Family Pension to Daughter on Demise of Both Parents

Ms Shruti Chakravarti, the only child of her parents, lost both of them  at  an young age. She lost her      father in Nov 2015 and her  mother unfortunately pre-deceased him. She approached TSEWA, Brig Vidyasagar for guidance and assistance to know  about her entitlements and help her get the same.
She is  eligible to get Life Time Arrears of her  father and also  for her father’s pension as unmarried and unemployed daughter.
On being enquired, she informed Brig Vidyasagar that her father’s s account  in SBI, MEG & Centre, Bengaluru is credited with two arrears in Dec 2016.
 She has been advised about the procedure to get Life Time Arrears as under:
– To prove to CPPC, SBI, Hebbal, Bengaluru that she is her  father’s daughter by submitting Birth certificate to get the credit balance standing in her father’s account  automatically  transferred to her.

– To download and take print out para 15 of Circular 555 (OROP) and also para 11 of Circular 568 (33 Years delinked arrears) to get Life Time Arrears of her father. These circulars have been fwd.
– Attach  a draft letter from her side to Chief Manager, SBI, Hebbal, Bengaluru to get her father’s   credit balance transferred  into her own account in the same branch.

  -To  preserve all documents of her  father like Pension Payment order as they are required for taking up her case with Army HQ (AGs Branch) and later with PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad to get her  own pension.

– It takes anytime between 9 months to one year  to get her own pension sanctioned.
 –  Col Srikantha Seshadri is President, T SEWA, Karnataka & Goa.  , has been requested to help her get LTA through personally visitting  CPPC, SBI, Hebbal, Bengaluru.
– Asked her to be in constant contact with Col Srikantha Seshadri, mob; 98869 87997, 94812 18324.

     Assured her not to worry as  TSEWA is there to help her on pro bono basis and  will stand by her during this times of hardship.

                                         DRAFT LETTER

From :

Ms Shruti Chakravarti

D/O (late) IC –       Lt Col — Chakravarti

Bengaluru – (PIN).


The Chief Manager

SBI, Hebbal, Bengaluru- PIN


Respected Sir,

     I Ms Shruti Chakravarti, D/O IC—      Lt Col — Chakravarti being the only child of my father is entitled to receive all credit balance standing in his account no————in SBI, MEG & Centre, Bengaluru into my SB Acct no————of SBI, MEG & Centre, Bengaluru.

    As you know my mother Smt ————- Chakravari pre-deceased my father on————–(date of death) and a copy of my mother’s death certificate is enclosed.

  I am unmarried and unemployed and in need of LTA of my father to run the house.

  You have my name as nominee to receive all dues of my father in his SB Account.

  I am entitled for pension and two more installments of OROP arrears of my father which are due in Mar 2017 and Sep 2017.

  I would also request you to transfer future LTAs into my account after you close my father’s account. You may make a necessary entry for such transfer in my father’s account so that I receive his third and fourth installment of OROP arrears.

  I request you to kindly transfer credit balance of my father’s SB account as LTA into my account as I have no means of survival.

   with respectful regards,


                                                            (sd XXXXXX)

                                                            Ms Shruti Chakravarti

                                                 Mob No: —————————-


1.  copy of death certificate of Smt—-Chakravarti, W/O IC—– Lt Col — Chakravarti and my mother.

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