Minutes of Virtual TSEWA Core Committee Meeting held at 1000 hrs on 21 April 2021

The following members attended:

1 Brig CS Vidyasagar President
2 Cmde Sudhir Parakala Vice President
3 Col Dr GB Sethi General Secretary
4 Lt Col G Parvathesam Treasurer
5 Maj Gen SN Mukherjee President TSEWA, West Bengal
6 Brig SKS Rana, VSM President Legal Division
7 Col Ajit Singh Rana President, TSEWA (North Zone)
8 Col Srikantha Seshadri President, TSEWA (Karnataka)
9 Cmde Kuldip Sandhu President, TSEWA (Mumbai Metro)
10 Hony Capt MN Reddy President, TSEWA (Telangana)
11 WO Thiru Chelvam President, TSEWA (Tamilnadu)
12 Cmde Ashok Kota Member
13 Lt Col Dr. K Bhaskar Reddy Member


The President welcomed all present in the meeting and thanked them for their efforts to attend the virtual meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.

Points of Discussion

Item No. I – Annual General Body Meeting and Elections: The General Secretary sought views on conducting the VI Annual General Body Meeting scheduled on Sunday the 27 Jun 2021. The matter was discussed at length and in view of the prevailing COVID conditions, Members considered that there should be no physical meeting and that we should make arrangements for a virtual meeting only. Since the present tenure of the Managing Committee is coming to an end, the modalities for election/Nomination of the new MC were also discussed at length.

Decisions: The following decisions were taken:

(a) The General Secretary is requested to send Notice for virtual meeting on 27 Jun 2021 to all the Members using bulk SMS, emails, Blog/Website, Publication in two National Newspapers and Notice Board at least one month in advance.

(b) Cmde KS Sandhu is appointed as the Returning Officer for the conduct of elections for the new executive committee. Nominations for the post of President, General Secretary and Treasurer should be accepted only from Hyderabad to facilitate smooth functioning. Other posts should be open to JCO/ORs

(c) The Tenure of the next EC to be only for two years as per the Bye-Laws and any extension of the tenure by another two years of the newly elected MC should be decided by the General Body on completion of two years.

(d) All nominations for all posts should be filed by volunteers duly sponsored by one of the members and seconded by another member as per the schedule announced by the Returning Officer

(e) The Returning Officer should seek volunteers during the AGM in case there are no nominations for a particular post and conduct the elections as per the approved procedure of Registrar of Societies, Telangana, to coincide with the AGM on 27 Jun 2021

Item No. II – Filing of Case on OROP/OMJC: The General Secretary informed that there was good response to the call for filing of OROP implementation and declassification of OMJC Report in the High Court of Hyderabad. 360 Members have subscribed towards filing the case. The views of Members especially that of Brig, SKS Rana, VSM, President Legal Division were discussed threadbare. Since the total number is about 360 and likely to increase further, options for filing in other High Courts at Lucknow, Jaipur, Kolkata were discussed. It was reiterated that the OROP case proposed to be filed is for implementation of Govt orders for equalization which is due in 2019 and not the same as the one in HSC filed by IESM. Similarly, since there were a large number of anomalies in OROP approved by the Government which led to appointment of OMJC, the case should be filed for implementation of the OMJC Report.

Decisions. The following decisions were taken:

(a) The Core Committee to take a final decision whether to file the case or not based on the strengths of the case after final discussion during the next CCM on 08 May 21.

(b) Cmde Parakala to discuss with Cdr Krishna, Leading Advocate of Hon’ble Hyderabad High Court or any other suitable Advocate with service background to file the case in High Court, Hyderabad.

(c) Gen Shibnath Mukherjee, Cmde Sandhu and Brig Rana requested to explore the possibilities of filing similar cases in the High Courts of other States if deemed fit.

Item No. III – TSEWA Office Building: Cmde Sudheer Parakala intimated that the land cost around the target area as decided, is ranging from Rs 30,000-35,000/Sq Yd in Hyderabad and that a minimum of 100 Sq Yds land would be required for building the proposed office building and that it would exceed our estimates as construction would require another 20:00 lakhs. This zeroes down to purchase of a flat of about 1,000 sft at a cost of Rs.40 lakhs.

Decision : Core Committee requested to pursue as above and enter into a contract with the owner/ builder by giving required advance from the donations received so far for the purpose and balance of amount to be paid as a loan to be obtained from TSEWA Corpus Fund.

Item No. IV – TSEWA Madhuri Sewa Fund: Cmde Sudheer Parakala has explained that Col Nagesh Gupta (Retd) was keen on providing financial assistance to the needy children whose parents have lost means of earning due to COVID Conditions. He informed Col Gupta that next lot of recommendations for educational assistance could only be made during the next academic session in Jun/Jul 2021. However, due to COVID Conditions, the recommendations of Dr. Bhashyam, Principal, Railway Degree College, Secunderabad for financial assistance to families were sent to Col Nagesh Gupta as received from her. He also informed that Col Gupta was requested to consider transferring bulk donation to be put in Fixed Deposit by TSEWA in Memory of his Late wife Smt Madhuri so that the interest earned could be given as scholarships to the needy Service children and exceptional cases of civilian children. On a query from Gen Mukherjee, he was informed that Ms. Sarkar is granted a sum of Rs.20,000/- towards Tuition fee and that the amount would be disbursed soon.

Decision: The Treasurer is requested to arrange for disbursement of amounts as approved from Madhuri Seva Fund to the beneficiaries at the earliest as soon as the bank re-opens which was closed due to large COVID cases of their staff.

Item No. V – Charity Activities from TSEWA: The Chairman Charity Division informed that there were complaints from donors to Ms. Madhurima that their donations were not acknowledged and that Brig Gangadharan regretted his inability to send a final list of donors from Ms. Madhurima. He also pointed out that some Members like Mrs. Dorothy David have started using TSEWA platform seeking Financial Assistance from the Members directly. This matter was discussed at length and it was agreed that no Member should use the TSEWA platform to seek financial assistance directly.

Decisions: The following decisions were taken:

(a) Brig CS Vidyasagar, President is requested to seek a final list of donors from Ms. Madhurima to facilitate acknowledgement to all the Donors. Ms. Madhurima should also be requested to acknowledge individually to all the donors using their mobile numbers and email IDs.

(b) In future all donations should be routed only through TSEWA and the Charity Division after due verification, will provide financial assistance as deemed fit. Frequent appeal mails from the President should be avoided and only in exceptional cases as approved by the Core Committee should be taken up by the President.

(c) All Vetarans/Widows requiring financial assistance should apply in writing to TSEWA duly supported by all documents as prescribed and no appeals should be made directly using TSEWA platform.

(d) The President is requested to send a general mail to the Members accordingly.

Item No. VI – Rajput Decommissioning: Cmde Parakala informed that INS Rajput which was commissioned on 03 May 1980 will be de-commissioned at Visakhapatnam on 21 May 2021 after 41 years of glorious service in the Indian Navy. He informed that all Rajput Commissioning Crew Members and others who served onboard would be invited. He also informed that Colonel of Rajput Regiment would also be invited since INS Rajput is affiliated to the Rajput Regiment, Indian Army.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 13:10 PM and it was decided to hold the next CCM at 1000 hrs on 08 May 2021.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA