Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held on 09 Jul 2022

Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held at 1000 hrs on 09 Jul 2022


The meeting was attended by the following:-

  1. Cmde Sudheer Parakala     President, in Chair
  2. Brig CS Vidyasagar               Chief Mentor
  3. Col Vijay Salins                      Treasurer
  4. Cdr Chandrashekhar           Joint Secretary
  5. Hony Capt MN Reddy          Joint Secretary
  6. Maj Gen SN Mukherjee       President TSEWA, Eastern Zone
  7. Cmde KS Sandhu                  President TSEWA, West Zone
  8. Cmde Ashok Kota                 President TSEWA, South Zone
  9. Col LM Singh                          President TSEWA, NE Zone
  10. Hony Capt GJ Manohar         President TSEWA, AP (Rayala Seema)
  11. Hav Harish Asthana              President TSEWA, UP
  12. Lt Col VRRS Ramana Reddy  Member
  13. Lt Col (Dr) Bhaskar Reddy     Member
  14. Col Ravi Chowdhary               Legal Advisor

The President welcomed all present. He once again thanked all the Members who attended the NEC Meeting and the AGM at Secunderabad on 25 and 26 Jun 2022.

Item No. 1. Minutes of the AGM: The President covered the Agenda points discussed and decisions taken during the AGM for the benefit of the Members who could not attend the AGM. He said that he would look forward to Cmde Sandhu, President TSEWA, West Zone organizing the next AGM at Mumbai or Pune as convenient as per the decision taken during the NEC Meeting held on 25 Jun 22.  He said that this would give better awareness of TSEWA in other Zones/ States.
Action:  Cmde KS Sandhu, Lt Col Parvathesam.

Item No. 2. Difficulties in Issue of Veteran’s ID Cards by the ZSBs:  Maj Gen SN Mukherjee once again brought out that the Veterans are facing a lot of difficulties in obtaining NOC whenever they shift from one jurisdiction to the other. He recommended that a letter be written to the Kendriya Sainik Board that necessary software be introduced for automatic issue of NOC as soon as the Veteran surrenders the ID card at the old ZSB and transfer of file to the next ZSB. It was also suggested that issue of NOC should be linked to Aadhar for easy verification to avoid any misappropriation. Col LM Singh, President TSEWA, NE Zone also expressed similar apprehensions. After discussion of the issue, it was decided to write a suitable letter to Kendriya Sainik Board.
Action: The General Secretary may put up a draft Letter to Kendriya Sainik Board.

Item No. 3. Pending Issues with PCDAs:  Cmde Sandhu informed that there were a number of cases pending with the PCDAs and in spite of his best efforts he was unable to put any pressure on them to expedite. He made specific observation especially about the cases pending with Prayagraj. The President informed all concerned that Hav Harish Asthana, President TSEWA, UP has established contact with Ex-Naik Radhe Shyam Misra who worked in the Audit section of PCDA, Praygraj. It was decided that all pending issues may be expedited either directly through Ex Nk Radhey Shyam Misra or through Hav Harish Asthana.
Action:  All Zonal / State Presidents to expedite pending cases utilizing the services of Ex NK Misra.

Item No. 3. Usage of Paid WhatsApp: Col Ravi Chowdhary  suggested that TSEWA should subscribe to paid WhatsApp services which will facilitate better communications. It was decided that the General Secretary may get details about the proposal and discuss the matter during the next NEC Meeting.
Action: General Secretary may please examine and brief NEC

 Item No. 4. Financial Assistance: Brig CS Vidyasagar, Chief Mentor thanked all the Members who donated generously for Mahima Sagar’s Treatment. He said that it is necessary that we created a fund to meet future requirements of such cases of other Veterans. He suggested that every Member donated Rs. 4.00 everyday using UPI Pay. He stated that he started donating Rs.100/- everyday which doesn’t pinch his pocket. Hav Asthana also stated that he started donating Rs.10/- everyday. The president appealed to all the Members that this small donations would go a long way to meet the emergency/ Special Treatment required by the Veterans in future.
Action:  The Zonal/ State Presidents may kindly spread the message to all the Members and encourage them to donate.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12.15 PM.

Sudheer Parakala
Commodore, IN (Retd)
President, TSEWA
09 Jul 2022

1 Comment

  1. Sebastian Kagoo A.S.

    Dear Sir’s/Madam
    I am a Naval Veteran, happened to see this website and an interesting topics being discussed. Could I kindly request to take the Veteran’s ID card issue. As the present cards issued by various ZSB’s are not a normal size, which could not be accommodated in your wallet due to its size.
    The suggested card size should be the same size of CSD Cards or ECHS card and which could be accomodated along with CSD/Credit/Debit/ECHS cards etc.,
    Thanking you in advance
    Yours truly,
    Sebastian Kagoo A.S. (Ex- Indian Navy POR(SPL), O.No. 147111-W

    July 21, 2022 Reply

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