Donations for Capt. Virendra Singh Gurung, 3 Assam

Dear Veterans,

A huge mail is being exchanged amongst the sympathetic Veterans who wish to support Capt. Virendra Singh Gurung, a Short Service Commissioned officer of 3 Assam.

The circumstances of his present pathetic condition has been put up in the environment for all to know, after it was brought to the notice of TSEWA.

TSEWA has decided to help out Capt Gurung to the best of its ability in collaboration with Brig. RS Rawat, President UESL, Dehradun & has already transferred Rs.10,000/- on 23rd. January 2018 to the account of UESL to be handed over to Capt. Gurung as an immediate relief.

All Veterans who wish to support Capt VS Gurung financially may kindly route your contribution through TSEWA, which shall be faithfully applied for the welfare and rehabilitation of Capt. VS Gurung with the help of Brig RS Rawat, President, UESL, Dehradun.

You may like to send your cheques / DD’s / Neft transfers in favour of TSEWA Account no;-

TSEWA – CORPUS 37123663228
State Bank of India , Bhaskar Rao Nagar
IFS Code  – SBIN0015568

Kindly dispatch your cheques / DD’s to ;-

Col. Dr. GB Sethi
Gen. Secretary, TSEWA
143 Vayu Puri
Secunderabad – 500094

Warm Regards,

Col. Dr. G B Sethi
Gen Secretary TSEWA
TSEWA – 58
94408 59877


  1. Lt Gen SK Bahri

    Very happy that the Army’s wheels are turning & the offr is being looked after.
    Satish Bahri

    January 24, 2018 Reply
  2. Major PM GOSWAMI

    Unit Officers have shared updates from location.
    Got VSG ‘s Adhar card made. Photos taken .Got his hairs trimmed.
    Bank acct will opened over 1 lac deposited from Army Cdr Welfare Fund.
    He is in MH under care of UK Sub Area Kind courtesy COR his residence is under maint by UKSUBAREA.
    Help is coming from a large fraternity of Veterans, Serving offrs, Coursemates, Schoolmates and the Regt.
    MP 5 approached for copy of service book.
    Next step to get him registered as ESM with distt soldier board. Mandatory to get financial help from Govt sources.
    Case to grant him status of BC and pension taken up to AG and COAS.

    January 24, 2018 Reply

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