This information is being sought under provisions of RTI Act 2005.
PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad informed one of the queries posed by an applicant of methodology adopted by them in making DGL of Circular 555 that if an officer of longer service has been found retired in calendar year 2013 and an another officer of the same rank with lesser service did not retire in 2013, the pension of senior officer has been reduced by 3% every year to find out pension of junior officer i.e. by extrapolation method. This method appears to have been adopted for all ranks.
It was intimated that if a junior officer of a rank retired in calendar year 2013 and officer with longer service did not nor retire then the pension of the latter has been fixed at same level as junior officer. This is evident if you see OROP pension of Majs with service of 18.5 to 20 years’ service. This has deprived officer with longer service to get higher pension which he is due.
Please furnish any order of Govt of India or judgment of Court of Law which reduces pension of officer of longer service by this method of fixing his pension at the same level as an officer with lesser service.
Please furnish the reason as to why method adopted for fixing pension of Officer with lesser service as explained above could not be applied to fix pension of officer with longer service by adding 3% increment to pension of officer with lesser service so that officer with longer service could get higher pension i