This mail from a TSEWA member is being put up at Brig Vidyasagar’s request “for all to know there are still some good samaritans who contribute to a worthy cause”.
Dear Vidyasagar,
I hope that you will see this mail in good health and wit. It is since long I communicated with you, but I keenly follow your blog and admire your patience and knowledge on various issues from the NFU for over ambitious Pensioners down to the simplest dumb queries by Officers and others. Only once you last your temper, of-course with a reason. Most of the time your help to many are laudable, you literally are spoon feeding us out dues.
Now coming to the point, I became a member of the AFT Case 13B and paid the requisite fee INR 5,000/-. [Major Goswami was the All India coordinator]. As there were no sufficient members to proceed with the case, it was terminated. Now that amount is with the TSEWA. All I want is to transfer the entire amount from the AFT Account of the TSEWA, to the Reserve Account of the TSEWA (as a token donation). Can your Accounts Department do it with this (letter) mail as an authority to effect the transfer of this sort? Kindly advise an alternative if it can’t be done the way I suggested.
Earlier this year I donated INR 5,000/- and this will be my 2nd one. I promise you that every quarter I will repeat this exercise and that the only way I can be part of the TSEWA Community. After all, in this small way only I can be your genuine friend.
With warm and fond regards
Major AM Manohar
TSEWA Membership No: 3060