Consequent upon the Government of India (GoI’s) acceptance of the 5CPC recommendations, with effect from 01st Jan 1996, the pay scale of Majors, Lt Cdrs and Sqn Ldrs was placed in the pay scale 11600-325-14850 {11600+(325 x 10)=14850}. (Wherever the rank Major appears it includes Lt Cdrs and Sqn Ldrs)
Accordingly the MoD, issued a letter dated 29 Feb 2000,drawing authority from MoD (Fin) Auth No: U.O.No. 1/77/99-PA, dt. 23-02-2000 implementing the increase of the starting salary of Majors from 11600/- to 11925/- .
{The earlier 5CPC scale of Pay of Majors: 11600-325-14850 on which in service Majors and Retirees had been paid till promotion to next rank.
The revised 5CPC scale of pay of Majors: 11925-325-15175 on which in service Majors and Retirees should have been fixed and paid in the rank of Majors/till promotion to the next rank}
Whereas the GoI vide authority vested in it, communicated acceptance of the 5CPC anomaly of the pay scale of majors, and, accorded approval to implement the increased starting salary for Majors, the MoD letter, of its own volition, made this increased pay scale, effective from the date on which the Under Secretary of the MoD signed the letter, viz, 29 Feb 2000. (This is in violation of the HSC adjudication on the effective date of implementing the recommendations of any Pay Commission)
I. With the effective date of 29 Feb 2000, for the higher starting salary scale for Majors, being implemented all those who wereIN SERVICE as Substantive Majors before or after 1 Jan 1996 (the date from which the 5CPC is effective) till 29 Feb 2000, were not granted the higher starting scale. Some in fact were not paid the higher salary even after 29 Feb 2000. Some may have received arrears later. This is known only to each individual Veteran officer
II. Further, that many of the eligible and affected officers, in fact, RETIRED FROM SERVICE, without having been granted the benefit of the increased pay scale as approved by the GoI i.e., higher starting scale for majors,even after 29 Feb 2000.
III. On the other hand, many Majors who were fortunate to be eligible for the higher starting scale after 29 Feb 2000, were denied the benefit of their increments or arrears as their basic pay was not enhanced from Rs 11600 to Rs 11925, on the basis that, such Majors were already drawing more than the minimum starting pay of Majors (that is more than 11925/- ) and hence they were not be paid any additional amount as pay as per the revised/increased pay scale. In relying on this interpretation of the MoD letter of 29 Feb 2000, the pay offices of respective Services conveniently addressed ONLY the starting salary, whereas the GoI approval was granted for the ENTIRE SCALE OF PAY, (to equate it with the one on the civil side), starting 11925-325-15175. In other words, for every Major whose increments were included in the formula for fixing the salary under 5CPC at each stage of the pay scale, lost out on an amount equal to 325/- + Dearness Allowance per month from Jan 1996 to 29 Feb 2000 (or even after that date).in basic salary. Therefore, say, a Major who had earned 10 increments, remained at the max of 14850/- instead of 15175/-
Dear Sir,
Said Anomaly has been challenged by me in AFT(PB), New Delhi and Lead case titled OA1555/2020 and more tham 40 offrs had filed case so far. I am lead Applicant as well as Advocate in Said Case before the AFT(PB). Both the Govt letter dt 29 Feb 2000 and 14 Jan 2000 had been challenged to be made applicable wef 01 Jan 1996.
Thanks and warm regards,
Colonel KR Verma,
Applicant and Advocate
Thank you. Best wishes for a favourable outcome!