Progress of Legal Cases Filed by TSEWA

Progress of legal cases filed or being filed is as under:

a) OA 34 / 2016. This case was the case for enhanced pension for all as the pension being paid was at the min of scale instead of last pay drawn. The case came up for hearing 0n 03 Mar 17 in the Court and was heard by the Bench, where it was confirmed that the response from all respondents had been recd by the counsel for the respondents and now the time has been given by the Court to to the counsel for respondents to file the counter affidavit by 13 Apr 17. The next date of hearing is on 13 Apr 17

b) OA 276 / 2017. This is the case which had the No AFT -12 and the lead applicant in this case is Sqn Ldr Sharad Chandra Verma, as it indicated the OA No has been allotted to the case however, it may have some defects in it which we will have to rectify to proceed with the case.

c) AFT 13. This is the case in which the lead applicant is Maj Ashok Kumar Gadhok, case has been filed on 03 Mar 17.

d) AFT 14. All documents on being reconciled at TSEWA HQ at Secunderabad have been dispatched to Gurgaon today and on receipt the final check should not take more than a week and accordingly the case can be expected to be filed in another week or so thereafter.

e) AFT 19. All documents have been collected at TSEWA HQ and likely to be sent to Gurgaon in next few days and should not take more than two weeks thereafter to be filed in the AFT.

f) AFT 9,10 &11. These cases of JCOs to get the pension are also in final stage of reconciliation.


Brig SKS Rana, VSM
Head Legal Cell
Tri-Services Ex-Servicemen Welfare Association

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