Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held on 14 May 2022  

Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held at 1000 hrs on 14 May 2022


The meeting was attended by the following:-

  1. Cmde Sudheer Parakala                President, in Chair
  2. Brig CS Vidyasagar                          Chief Mentor
  3. Lt Col G Parvathesam                     General Secretary
  4. Cdr Chandrashekhar                       Joint Secretary
  5. Hony Capt MN Reddy                      Joint Secretary
  6. Brig RS Rawat                                   President TSEWA, Central Zone
  7. Cmde Ashok Kota                            President TSEWA, South Zone
  8. WO Thiruchelvam                            President TSEWA, Tamilnadu
  9. Cmde KS Sandhu                             President TSEWA, West Zone
  10. Col Srikantha Seshadri                   President TSEWA, Karnataka
  11. Maj Gen SN Mukherjee                  President TSEWA, Eastern Zone
  12. Hav Harish Asthana                        President TSEWA, UP
  13. Col CAJ Swamy                                 President TSEWA, AP
  14. Hony Capt GJ Manohar                  President,TSEWA, AP(Rayala Seema)
  15. Hony Capt KV Subba Rao              President TSEWA, AP(Coastal Area)
  16. Brig DSC Varma                              TSEWA NEC Member
  17. Lt Col Dr. Bhaskara Reddy            TSEWA NEC Member
  18. Maj Dr. B Bhikshapathy                 TSEWA NEC Member
  19. Hony Capt B Joseph                       TSEWA NEC Member
  20. Mrs Rekha Sekhri                           Co-opted Member, TSEWA
  21. Maj Balakrishnan TK                      Member, TSEWA

The President welcomed all present in the meeting and requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.

Item No. 1. Minutes of Previous NEC Meeting:
Action: Nil.

Item No. 2. Next AGM of TSEWA: The NEC discussed at length and decided that the next AGM shall be conducted at Secunderabad on 26 June 2022. All members are requested to travel to Secunderabad and attend the meeting physically. Joining of the meeting virtually (online) by the members was ruled out, as the meeting of large number of members cannot be conducted at TSEWA office, where a Video Conference System is established.
Action:  The General Secretary is requested to do the needful for the organization of the NEC Meeting.

Item No. 3. Crowd Funding: Col CAJ Swamy informed that there is a poor girl student in need of a laptop and consider crowd funding for the purpose. The NEC discussed the matter once again in detail and decided that no crowd funding can be allowed by any TSEWA Zonal/ State Presidents or any other TSEWA Member. However, Lt Col G Parvathesam has magnanimously announced to donate his old laptop, if it is suitable, to the girl student for the time being.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 4. Migration of Pensioners to SPARSH System: Brig CS Vidyasagar explained that, all Post 2016 pensioners have been migrated to SPARSH so far. He explained the advantages of the system and likely problems to be faced by the ESM and Widows located at remote areas. TSEWA NEC discussed the subject in detail and requested all NEC Members to forward their suggestions on this matter by email to Brig CS Vidyasagar by 21 May 2022. The President requested Brig CS Vidyasagar to prepare a letter from TSEWA to the authorities concerned.
Action: Zonal/ State Presidents/ NEC Members are requested to do the needful.

 Item No. 5. TSEWA Membership: The President appreciated the efforts of Brig CS Vidyasagar, Col Srikantha Seshadri and Hony Capt B Joseph who have motivated more than 700 new members, who joined TSEWA in the last month.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 6. Veteran Cells in various Formation Headquarters: Brig RS Rawat explained and appreciated the involvement and efficient working of the Veteran Cells, with the help of whom he could solve the problems of number of ESM and Widows. He suggested that all Zonal/ State Presidents to have the services of Veteran Cells as and when required.
Action:  All Zonal/ State Presidents are requested to note.

Item No. 7. Donation to TSEWA: The President appreciated the magnanimity of Capt Bandi Venu, and thanked him for the donation of Rs 15000/- to TSEWA.
Action:  Nil.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:30 PM and decided to hold the next NEC Meeting on 28 May 2022.

Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd)
President, TSEWA


  1. Ramchander Singh Bisht

    Sir kindly confirm NANA cases are being admitted by TSEWA or not

    May 29, 2022 Reply
  2. vetn sgt nb roy

    read and acknowledged

    May 28, 2022 Reply

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