Minutes of the Virtual/Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held on 12 March 2022

Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held at 1000 hrs on 12 March 2022


The meeting was attended by the following:-

  1. Cmde Sudheer Parakala                                       President, in Chair
  2. Brig CS Vidyasagar                                                 Chief Mentor
  3. Col N Sitaramaiah                                                  Vice-President
  4. Cmde Ashok Kota                                                   President TSEWA, South Zone
  5. WO Thiruchelvam                                                   President TSEWA, Tamilnadu
  6. Cmde KS Sandhu                                                    President TSEWA, West Zone
  7. Col Srikantha Seshadri                                           President TSEWA, Karnataka
  8. Maj Gen SN Mukherjee                                          President TSEWA, Eastern Zone
  9. Col CAJ Swamy                                                         President TSEWA, AP
  10. Hav Harish Asthana                                                President TSEWA, UP
  11. Hony Capt GJ Manohar                                           President  TSEWA, AP (Rayala Seema)
  12. Col Ajit Rana                                                             President TSEWA, North Zone
  13. Lt Col LM Singh                                                        President TSEWA, North-East
  14. Lt Col VRRS Ramana Reddy                                   Member
  15. Hony Capt B Joseph                                                Member

The President welcomed all present in the meeting and stated that due to lingering doubts on admissibility of ACP and MSP cases to be filed in AFT in the minds of some Members, he suggested that this meeting will mainly be used to discuss the cases threadbare so that TSEWA can progress the cases.

Review of Minutes of the Last NEC Meeting:   The President read out the minutes and informed the progress on each point as under:-

  • Item No. 1. Broad banding of Disability Pension: The President informed that next hearing of case is scheduled for 18 April 2022.
    Action: Nil.
  • Item No. 2. Social Media: The President exhorted the Presidents to record short videos of all important events in their area.
    Action: Zonal/ State Presidents are requested to do the needful.
  •  Item No. 3. ePPO of ESM:  The President informed that Col (Dr) GB Sethi and Col Parvathesam called on O I/C EME Records to help in resolving the outstanding cases. He also informed that Col Parvathesam had also written a DO Letter to O I/C Signal Records to do the needful. Col Ramana Reddy has also volunteered to progress the outstanding cases with Signal Records. The President also requested State Presidents to liaise with the O I/C Records nearest to them and help resolve all outstanding issues of the Veterans.
    Action: Zonal/ State Presidents are requested to do the needful.
  • Item No. 4OROP-2019 Case: The President informed that the case is scheduled for next hearing on 11 March 2022.
    Action: Nil.
  • Item No. 5WW II Veterans Case: The President informed that 28 applications received from WW II Veterans and widows were scrutinized and dispatched to Brig SKS Rana, VSM to liaise with the Jindals. In case the Jindals were willing to provide financial assistance to more number, it would be extended to 1962 and 1965 veterans without pension.
    Action: Brig SKS Rana, VSM requested to Liaise with Jindals.
  • Item No. 6Maj Gens Case: The President informed that the applications of 101 Petitioners were filed as four cases, two of Army, One Navy and One IAF and that the case Diary numbers will be promulgated.

New Points:

Item No. 1. Filing of AFT Cases for ACP and MSP Arrears:   The President requested Brig CS Vidyasagar to explain the merits of the cases through his Power Point Presentations so that the Members did not have any doubts about the admissibility of the cases to be filed in AFTs. The President once again reminded all the Members that whenever a case is projected by any President, a Legal Brief is prepared and sent to the Advocate for his opinion and only after his concurrence the matter is discussed by the NEC and only after the NEC approved the case, the environment is sensitized and Petitioners are invited. Both the cases were discussed at length. It was made clear that the MSP being part of the pay should be admissible from 01 Jan 2006 and not from 01 Sep 2008 which was the date of promulgation. All Sepoys to Brigs and equivalents from Army, Navy and IAF who were in service from 01 Jan 2006 to 31 Aug 2008 are entitled to arrears and can join the case as petitioners.  As regards ACP, it was made clear that all Sepoys/Naiks and DE Hav and equivalents from Army, Navy and IAF can seek ACP relief provided that they did not receive any benefit of ACP during the period 01 Jan 1996 to 06 Aug 2003. The President requested all Zonal and State Presidents to give wide publicity through their own group mails so that the Veterans who did not get the benefit during the above period stand to gain by joining the case.
Action: All Zonal and State Presidents requested to give wide publicity

Item No. 2. Liaison Duties with PCDA (Prayagraj): Cmde KS Sandhu, President TSEWA, West Zone explained the difficulties faced and the poor response of helplines in PCDA and suggested that we have a Liaison Person. The President informed that he would give a list of TSEWA Members residing in Prayagraj to Hav Harish Asthana to identify a suitable person. He said that travel expenses of the individual would be reimbursed.
Action: Hav Asthana, President UP to do the needful

Item No. 3. Overseas Membership at Australia:  Col Ajit Singh Rana who is at present in Melbourne informed that he identified about 30 veterans residing in Melbourne and that he would try and meet them soon. He also informed that he would attend the Commonwealth Parade on 25 Apr and educate the veterans there about TSEWA and its services. The President appreciated the initiative and recommended that Col Rana carried sufficient Membership Forms for distribution during the Parade.
Action: Col Ajit Singh Rana.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:30 PM and decided to hold the next NEC Meeting on 26 March 2022.

Cmde Sudheer Parkala (Retd)
President, TSEWA

Commissioned into the Indian Navy on 25 Mar 1970, an alumnus of Defence Services Staff College and College of Defence Management. Served in various ships for 9 years including commissioning of India's First Guided Missile Destroyer INS Rajput. Important shore appointments include Dy Naval Attache, Moscow, DS at CDM, Director Naval Plans, Principal Director Procurement at NHQ, Chief Staff Officer (LA&P) at ENC and HF at CDM. Took pre-mature retirement after 32 years service at the peak of career before the Promotion Board to the Flag Rank on compassionate Grounds. At Present totally dedicated to the Ex-Servicemen Welfare and is the President of East & South Zones of TSEWA

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