Minutes of the Meeting of the TSEWA Managing Committee held on 09 Nov 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of the TSEWA Managing Committee held at 1000 hrs on 09 Nov 2021 in TSEWA Office


The meeting was attended by the following:-

  1. Cmde Sudheer Parakala             President, in Chair
  2. Brig CS Vidyasagar                       Chief Mentor
  3. Lt Col G Parvathesam                  General Secretary
  4. Col N Sitaramaiah                        Vice President
  5. Col VC Salins                                 Treasurer
  6. Cdr Chandrasekhar                     Joint Secretary
  7. Hony Capt MN Reddy                  Joint Secretary

The President welcomed the Chief Mentor and the Management Committee Members to the meeting and thanked them for attending the physical meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.

Item No.1. Filing of Case for Additional Pension: The General Secretary informed that the case for grant of additional pension for the senior citizens attaining 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100 years age be decided based on the Karnataka, Guwahati High Courts and upheld by the Supreme Court. The President informed that suitable mail has been floated to the environment seeking details of the affected Veterans and that the details are being compiled. The case was discussed with Col Ajit Rana and Brig AK Srivastava and both suggested that filing of the case be deferred by 6 months and 3 months respectively. They informed that based on the Supreme Court judgement, the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions which is the nodal Ministry should be working on it and be given time to process the case. After discussion, it was decided that we should continue to compile the details of affected Veterans and wait till the next budget presentation and if no decision is taken by the Nodal Ministry/Finance we should file the cases thereafter.  In the meantime suitable letters should be sent to the Nodal Ministry and MOD.

Item No.2. Arrears of Disability Pension beyond 3 years : The General Secretary informed that TSEWA won three Cases of arrears of Disability Pension of Broad Banding and that they received arrears of three years only instead of getting the arrears from 01 Jan 2006 or Date of Retirement whichever is later.  The President informed that the case was discussed with our Advocate, Brig AK Srivastava who clarified that due to the stay Order issued by HSC on the judgement of Chairman AFT, we can file the case in HSC and that he was in discussion with Sri Sharma, HSC Advocate. He would inform us about the Legal Fee to be paid for the purpose and would give us detailed advise on the process to be followed for filing the review petition for full arrears as above. The MC decided to wait for the instructions from Brig AK Srivastava before sensitizing the affected Veterans.

Item No 3. Pension for HNS at par with Nb Sub: The General Secretary informed that TSEWA filed the case in AFT Delhi for payment of Pension to Hony Nb Sub at par with Nb Sub. The anamoly pointed out by Wo Thiru Chelvam, President TSEWA, TN was discussed at length. It was agreed that creation of a separate table on OROP Tables by PCDA, Allahabad was wrong and that HNS should be paid at par with Nb Sub. It was decided that the Legal Brief should be prepared and sent our Advocate for suitability of filing the case and in parallel point out the anomaly to MOD and PCDA Allahabad.

Item No.4. Manning of TSEWA Office by the MC Members: The President shared his concern about the MC Members not visiting the TSEWA Office. He said that subsequent to implementation of the decision to carry out Jeevan Praman work in TSEWA office, the footfall of Members and Non-Members was slowly picking up and sited his experience of Members donating substantial amounts to TSEWA by three Members when he was present. He said that unless the MC Members attend the office everyday in turn, such donations would not be forthcoming if left to the Office staff. Brig CS Vidyasagar, Chief Mentor volunteered to be present in the office on Mondays from 0930 to 1300 hrs. After prolonged discussion it was decided that the General Secretary will prepare a roster of MC Members who would be present once in a week turn by turn and interact with the Veterans visiting the office.

Item No 5. New NEC Composition: The President informed that Late CRR Sastry after studying the provisions of the Byelaws and the Act confirmed that we could have a maximum of 26 Members in the Apex body of NEC which should have all the present MC of seven Members. The MC discussed the matter at length and the following decisions were taken:

(a) Col N Sitaramaiah, Vice President of the MC, who is not a Member of the NEC should be included.
(b)  All the six Zonal Presidents of the new restructured zones should be included in the NEC.
(c)  Some of the Members who are unable to participate in NEC Meetings due to their personal Commitments and who are not active should be given a break and Members at para (a) and (b) above should be inducted.
(d) Accordingly, it was decided to include Brig Rajendra Singh Rawat, VSM, President Central Zone, Lt Col LM Singh, President North East Zone, Col N Sitaramaiah, VP TSEWA, Brig Suresh Nair, President Kerala, Hav JK Sahoo were approved to be inducted subject to ratification by the NEC.
(e) Brig Vinayak Ramnarayan, VSM, President MP, WO Milon Kumar Das, Karnataka, CHAM Jugbir Singh, Col MJ Ganapathy and Sgt Lawrence Joseph have been given a break to accommodate the New Members.

Item No 6. New Website of TSEWA: The President informed that the New website and training of staff has been completed and that M/S Aradhya Technologies offered to free Maintenance for one month. The matter was discussed at length and the MC has approved payment of Annual Maintenance Charges of not more than Rs.10,000/- per Annum for Annual Maintenance without burdening our own staff and to avoid any data corruption and crash of the website.

Item No 7. Change of Pmt Address and Registered Office: Hony Capt MN Reddy informed that the change of address and Registered office is held up due to requirement of getting NOC from all the residents of the building. The matter was discussed and the MC stated that Hony Capt Joseph should tell the Registrar that the requirement should be waived because we are the owners and not a tenant. The MC directed that this activity should be completed by end Nov 2021.

Item No 8. Empanelment of New Advocates in Various State AFTs. Col N Sitaramaiah, VP TSEWA suggested that due to overcrowding of AFT, Delhi, we should explore the possibility of inducting new Advocates in the States of Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamilnadu and Kerala. The President was requested to address a suitable mail to the presidents of the respective states to do the needful.

 There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:15 PM and decided to hold the next MC Meeting once in a month on a fixed day as decided by the General Secretary.

Cmde Sudheer Parkala (Retd)
President, TSEWA

Commissioned into the Indian Navy on 25 Mar 1970, an alumnus of Defence Services Staff College and College of Defence Management. Served in various ships for 9 years including commissioning of India's First Guided Missile Destroyer INS Rajput. Important shore appointments include Dy Naval Attache, Moscow, DS at CDM, Director Naval Plans, Principal Director Procurement at NHQ, Chief Staff Officer (LA&P) at ENC and HF at CDM. Took pre-mature retirement after 32 years service at the peak of career before the Promotion Board to the Flag Rank on compassionate Grounds. At Present totally dedicated to the Ex-Servicemen Welfare and is the President of East & South Zones of TSEWA

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