Minutes of Virtual Meeting of the Core Committee of TSEWA held at 1000 hrs on 26 Dec 2020
The following members attended:
- Brig CS Vidyasagar President, in Chair
- Cmde Sudheer Parakala Vice President
- Col Dr GB Sethi General Secretary
- Lt Col Parvatheesam Treasurer
- Brig SKS Rana, VSM Head, TSEWA Legal
- Hony Capt B Joseph Joint Secretary
- Hony Capt MN Reddy President TSEWA,Telangana
- Maj Gen SN Mukherjee President TSEWA,West Bengal
- Col Ajit Rana President TSEWA, Delhi NCR
- WO Thiruchelvam President TSEWA, Tamilnadu
- Cmde KS Sandhu President TSEWA, Maharashtra
- Col Srikantha Seshadri President TSEWA, Karnataka
- Cmde Ashok Kota Member
- Lt Col Dr K Bhaskar Reddy Member
- Maj Dr. B Bhikshapathy Member
- Lt Col VRS Ramana Reddy Member
- Mrs Rekha Sekhri Administrator, TSEWA Blog
- Col NS Bhandary
- Veteran Amreesh
The President welcomed all present in the meeting and thanked them for their efforts to attend the virtual meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.
Points of Discussion
Item No I. Financial Assistance to Miss Monika D/O Hony Capt Mallesh: Vice President Cmde Sudheer Parakala intimated that with good offices of Brig SKS Rana, VSM, President of Legal Division, an amount of Rs.3.55 lakhs has been donated by six donors who are part of his Regiment, towards the education of Miss Monica to pursue her MBBS studies. Brig SKS Rana informed that it is the credibility of TSEWA which got this donation. Col (Dr) Sethi informed that the entire amount has been invested in fixed deposits of Rs.50,000/- each to earn interest. The fixed deposits will be liquidated as and when required towards payment of Tuition Fee and Hostel Fee.
Item No II. Madhuri Sewa Fund: Conditions to be fulfilled for the donations were discussed at length and Core Committee opined that final decision of granting the donation shall be with TSEWA. The Members were informed by the Chairman, Charity Division that Col Gupta would like to fund school/ college going meritorious students preferably studying in VIII Class and above in Government Schools and Colleges. It was decided that applications detailing the criteria laid down by Col Nagesh Gupta be sought by the President, Charity Division from all the State Presidents.
Item No III. Financial Assistance to Miss Indira Arunachalam: Cmde KS Sandhu explained the pitiable condition of widowed daughter of Sri Arunachalam who was a DAD Pensioner. He said that the lady is seeking alms in a temple for food and has been provided a cot to sleep only by her poor brother. He stated that in spite of his best efforts the PPO of her late father could not be traced. After prolonged discussion, it was decided to request Cmde Parakala to explore ways and means to see if she could be granted minimum pension. The Core Committee requested Col Rana to see if her father’s PPO could be traced through his contacts in DAD department. In the interim, the Core Committee has approved a one time grant of Rs.25,000/-.
Item No IV. Enhanced Rate of Family Pension: Col Ajit Rana has expressed his concern about the condition of the pension restricted for only 7 years from the date of death of ESM. Vice President informed that TSEWA has taken up the issue with Hon’ble Raksha Mantri in Feb 2019 as an Agenda Point of NCESMO Meeting. He said that RM was requested Enhanced Rate of Pension should be granted from the date of death for seven years or till 67 years whichever is later. However, since nothing is heard from the Defence Ministry, Brig SKS Rana, VSM was requested to discuss the feasibility of filing a case in AFT.
Item No V. Covid Vaccination: General Secretary intimated that TSEWA should take up a case for timely vaccination of ESMs. Col Srikantha Seshadri opined that it will be too early to take up the matter at this stage since the final trials of the vaccine are underway and mass immunization programme has not been announced by the Central Government.
Item No VI. Attitude of Govt and other Political Parties towards the Defence Services and Veterans Problems: Col GB Sethi in his personal Capacity expressed serious concern about the negligent attitude of Government towards Veterans. He explained the way all political parties are showing great sympathy for the farmers agitation which was not found for the cause of ESM fighting for OROP. Core Committee opined that no party is interested in the Defence Services Personnel and ESM problems, as they are not considered as a vote bank. The only way is to unite all the veterans and show their strength in the Parliament by contesting as independents or under some veteran’s party floated by some interested veteran and that TSEWA cannot get involved in such an initiative.
Item No VII. Unwarranted Mails in TSEWA Groups. The President informed that the matter was discussed at length during the previous meeting of the Core Committee and as desired by the Core Committee a detailed mail has been sent to all the Members giving the Dos and Don’ts. He directed that only State Presidents are authorized to open separate Groups on the lines of West Bengal and UP to communicate important information to Members of their respective states. The efforts of Gen Mukherjee, President of WB and UP were appreciated. The President directed that no other person can open a separate Group using TSEWA database or name for floating personal mails. The President also said that he would send a warning mail to defaulting Members and remove them if they continue sending unsolicited mails.
Item No VIII. MACP Nb Subedar’s ECHS Status. WO Thiruchelvam, President TSEWA, TN once again stated that though the matter was discussed previously at length, he brought out that a case should be taken up with MD ECHS or AG’s Branch for making the provisions of GOI/MOD/Dept of ESM Welfare letter No. 22d (04)2010/WE/D Res I) dated 29 Dec 2017 applicable to Hony Nb Sub/MACP Nb Sub and Hony Lt/Capt retired prior to 29 Dec 2017. He said that this category of Veterans is given Semi Private accommodation when admitted in the hospitals post issue of letter dated 29 Dec 2017 and hence the same should be made applicable to veterans who retired before that date. The Core Committee requested Col Srikantha Seshadri to take up the issue with MD ECHS/AG’s Branch.
There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:30 PM.
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA