Minutes of TSEWA Core Committee Meeting on held on 11 January 2020 at Secunderabad

Minutes of Weekly Meeting of the Core Committee of TSEWA held on 11 January 2020 at 0900 hrs at 143, Vayupuri, Secunderabad- 500 094


The following attended :-

  1. Brig CS Vidyasagar                   President     in Chair
  2. Cmde Sudheer Parakala           Vice President
  3. Col Dr GB Sethi                         General Secretary
  4. Hony Capt MN Reddy              President, TSEWA, Telangana
  5. Col MJ Ganapathy                     Member
  6. Cdr Chandrashekar                   Member
  7. Lt Col V Salins                             Member
  8. Lt Col Dr K Bhaskar Reddy       Member
  9. Lt Col N Ravi Chowdary            Legal Advisor

The President welcomed all those present and thanked them for their efforts to attend the bi-weekly Core Committee meeting. He requested the EC and Core Committee members to spare a few hours on every Second and Fourth Saturday to attend this meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings by giving out his points.

Points from General Secretary

Item No I. Current Issues. The General Secretary spoke on following issues.

(a)   Amazon. General Secretary informed that Amazon has offered employment to veterans in Bengaluru. He wanted to know as to what should be the role of TSEWA in this.

Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) suggested that this being a welfare measure, TSEWA should restrict itself to disseminate the information of employment by Amazon to veterans through bulk SMS. Thereafter it is entirely between Amazon and veterans.

The President informed that Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd) gave a proposal received from someone in Amazon on provision of employment to ESMs and widows of ESMs in Bengaluru to Col Srikantha Seshadri, President, TSEWA, Karnataka. Col Srikantha liaised with representatives of Amazon and also MEG & Centre, Bengaluru for the selection to various posts to ESMs and widows of ESMs like front end, back end, computer operators and office work etc. in Amazon in Bengaluru.

Col Srikantha gave detailed account of the help he rendered to the Amazon to select qualified veterans. Many ESMs would not have got employment but for Col Srikantha and we all must appreciate the self-less work done by him. MEG & Centre, Bengaluru was the location for selection process.

After lengthy discussion, it was decided that TSEWA should continue to provide assistance to Amazon in various locations to select suitable veterans for their jobs.

(b) Internal Audit of TSEWA Accounts by Chartered Accountant. The Chartered Accountant M/S PS Reddy & Associates carried out audit of our accounts till Nov 2019.

Points from Cmde Sudheer Parakala, Vice-President.

Item No II. He informed TSEWA sent a cheque of Rs 25,000 to Smt Holynah, a widow of Ex-Serviceman who was forced to sell vegetables on road side in Imphal to help her get a kiosk constructed and employ one of her sons to improve her small scale venture. Lt Col LM Singh (Retd), President, TSEWA, Manipur and President, TSEWA, North East Zone in the presence of Lt Gen Himalay Singh (Retd) and few more ESMs and widows of ESMs presented the cheque of Rs 25,000 to Smt Holynah.

 Points from Lt Col Vijay Salins (Retd)

Item No III. He suggested Saturday being specialist day, the meeting of Core Committee be changed to some other day. This was discussed and finally it was agreed that Core Committee meetings now will be held on every Second and Fourth Wednesday in 143, Vayupuri, Secunderabad. Next Core committee will be held on 22 Jan 2019.

Points from Col MJ Ganapathy(Retd)

Item No IV. He informed that HQ Telangana and Andhra Sub Area will celebrate 14 Jan 2020 s Veterans Day in the Auditorium of MCEME, near CSD Depot from 1100 hrs to 1300 hrs. Lunch follows.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 11.00 am.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA

1 Comment

  1. My grivience is about Aft 29 since 31/1/18 two years have passed GOI hasn’t responded to notice of advocate .Does it means issue is dead and the cause of welfare of esm which Tsewa is created is cold bag.
    Why can’t the organisation think of alternative,who will think of .
    The Chairman is requested to take suitable measure in the interest of litigants.

    February 4, 2020 Reply

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