Minutes of TSEWA Core Committee Meeting held on 18 July 2018 at Secunderabad


The following members were present :-

  1.  Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)             –         President
  2. Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Rtd)      –         Vice President
  3. Col (Dr) GB Sethi (Rtd)                –         General Secretary
  4. Lt Col G Parvathesam (Rtd)         –         Treasurer
  5. H/ Capt MN Reddy (Rtd)              –         President, Telengana
  6. Col MJ Ganapathy (Rtd)               –         Member
  7. Lt Col VS Ramana Reddy (Rtd)    –         Member
  8. Lt Col N Ravi Chowdhary             –         Member

          The President welcomed all and thanked them for coming to attend the Core Committee meeting.

Points from General Secretary

Confederation of ESM Associations: General Secretary informed that  Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Rtd) improved Approach Paper received from Col TN Raman of Chennai on this subject. This paper has been sent to all for their comments.  Once the comments are received the same shall be sent to Col TN Raman. TSEWA has volunteered to hold the Inaugural Meeting of the Confederation in Secunderabad. He exhorted that unless we are able to have this meeting by Sep 2018, not much can be expected from the present Government of India.

Communication with Members of TSEWA: General Secretary informed that TSEWA has always been keen to see every member of TSEWA gets the latest information on pension and allied matters of interest to ESM Community. Bulk SMS is the best option till all members get e-mail ids and are comfortable to exchange mails. Cmde Sudheer Parakala volunteered to get the details of Bulk SMS provider so that we can conclude the contract with the most suitable firm.

TSEWA Filing of Writ Petition in Hon’ble Supreme Court on 64 KB Card: General Secretary informed that mail was received from Brig SKS Rana, VSM on filing of 64 KB Card in Hon’ble Supreme Court. The diary number has been allotted and Writ Petition No will be received very soon. We are hopeful of getting Stay Order on issue of 64 KB Card to all those who are in possession of 16 KB and 32 KB Cards.

RTI Reply from Army HQ on ECHS:  The General Secretary informed that Lt Cdr RE Balasubramanian got reply to his queries from Army HQ on the need for issuing 64 KB Card to all those who are already in possession of 16 KB and 32 Kb Cards. This will be sent to Brig SKS Rana, VSM as the inputs from the Govt of India / MD ECHS may be useful in defending our case filed in Hon’ble Supreme Court.

BB-3 Case : Filing in AFT Delhi: Our second advocate in AFT Delhi has filed a fresh case for getting broad banding benefit to all those petitioners in BB – 3.

Points from Cmde Sudheer Parakala, Vice President.

He read out a mail received from one of the petitioners who expressed his anguish at undue delay caused in filing of legal cases. Cmde Sudheeer Parakala cautioned that this  delay is leading to adverse publicity against TSEWA. He requested time lines be laid down from sensitizing the environment to the time of handing over the documents to our Advocates in AFTs.

The President supported this suggestion. He said generally we take some time to identify the case. The office bearer who identifies such a case makes a presentation to the Core Committee and after the same is approved then mini legal brief is made. The mini legal brief is sent to Brig SKS Rana, VSM who discusses this case with our Advocates in AFTs. Once they give their legal opinion to the effect that the case is fit to be filed in AFT, then only the environment is sensitized.

Therefore the time line can only be laid down from the time the first petitioner joins the case. From our experience it is seen even for Officers it takes minimum three months to get sizeable number of petitioners to keep legal costs at bare minimum. Then it takes minimum one month for HQ TSEWA to carry out checks of legal documents received from petitioners. Then these documents are sent to Brig SKS Rana, VSM who also carries out his own checks and he needs minimum 15 days. Then he hands over the legal documents to the Advocate who again takes minimum 15 days. Therefore it takes minimum five months from the time first petitioner joins this legal case.

In case our advocate wants us to get some additional documents then it causes further dealy.

For legal cases of JCOs / OR one can safely add two more months before the case is filed in AFTs.

Points from The President   

The President made an elaborate presentation on effects of IOR of 2.67 to serving Officers of ranks of Lt Col to Brig / post – 2016 pensioner Lt Cols to Brigs. He explained that earlier the IOR was 2.57 for these three ranks but later it was enhanced to 2.67. Though the first cell of Def Pay Matrix goes up due to increased IOR of 2.67, some of the officers could get less pay due to Def Pay Matrix constructed with IOR of 2.67. The MS PP slides on the presentation are attached. He stated that enhancement of IOR to 2.67 is likely to benefit Pre – 2016 pensioners only in OROP – 2008 to be implemented w.e.f Jul 2019. Till then it has no effect on their existing pensions which will continue to be 2.57 x Pension in Dec 2015 + DR @ 7% till Jun 2018.

There being no other points, the President thanked all and the meeting ended.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)
President, TSEWA

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