Entitlement of Pension of Nb Sub to Hav (ACP-1) : PCDA(P) Circular 566


Hav (ACP-1) Biju John, Gp Y, of AMC, after 26 years of service, retired in Aug 2012 with the pension of Hav (ACP-1), and a PPO was published to this effect.  Later, vide a  Corr PPO, his rank was amended to Hony Nb Sub.  Thus, wef the date of commencement of pension, he was entitled to the pension of an Hony Nb Sub

The NCO approached the President of TSEWA, Kerala, stating that he has been granted rank of hony Nb Sub, and others have got pension of Nb Sub. He also stated that he had lodged 2 complaints  with SBI Kanhangad, Kerala, regarding the payment of pension of Nb Sub to him.  He received no reply.

Action by TSEWA

President TSEWA studied the orders on the subject. He found that Circular 566 dated 16.9.2016  stated that The PDAs had reported some difficulty in interpreting the implementation of OROP circular 555 on two points. It went on to clarify that “ revision of Pension in respect of post 2006 Hav granted ACP-1, who later on were promoted to the rank of hony Nb Sub, pension in such cases shall be revised to the rank of Nb Sub.” Also  as per circular 555, an hony Nb Sub of Y gp is to be paid OROP scale of Rs 8783/- and a Nb Sub is to be paid Rs 10405/-

On 23 Sep 2016, the president TSEWA, Kerala, took up a grievance with PENGRAMS. On 21 Oct 16, PCDA(P) instructed CPPC of SBT, stating “ Verify your records and PPOs and make payment of Rs 10405/- wef 1.7.2014 according to this office circular No 555 dated 4.2.2016, read with circular No 566 dated 4.2.2016.  DR and arrears are also payable to him.” 

A satisfied Hony Nb Sub with the pension of Nb Sub, now receives Rs 10405/- as his pension.

Lt Col Babu Pappachan
President of TSEWA, Kerala


  1. Raveendra Singh Aswal

    Sir jai hind, my eppo mentioned as ACP1 Havildar whereas pay stractour is nb sub this a not good please suggest me.

    December 9, 2022 Reply
  2. Hav Viswarajan

    Sir I am retired on 31 aug 2005, promoted to the rank of hav in 1992. Was same rank up to aug 2005 that is 13 years.
    Iam eligible for ACP-1.
    Please reply if possible.
    Thank you.
    Hav Viswarajan V

    November 24, 2022 Reply
  3. Paresh Debnath

    मान्यवर महोदय, 2000 से 2004 इन 5 ACR के आधार पर 2005 जानवरी में मैं Nb Sub promote होना था | 2004 का ACR भी पिछले 4 ACR की तरह ही Above average ही था |
    परंतु किसी बात पर CO साहेब से आनबन होने से उन्होने बिना किसी तत्थ प्रमाण, बिना किसी COI, या red entry ही 2004 का ACR Cancelled कर फिरसे एक back dated average ACR बनाकर मेरे junior को Nb Sub बना दिया| जब कि average ACR देने के लिए कोई भी प्रमाणित कारण या कारवाई नही था और यह ACR मेरा promotion सहीत पुरे कैरियर को प्रभावित करनेवाला था, हुआ भी वही |मैं Hav से ही रिटायार्ड हो गया |
    मै इसके लिए कानूनी कारवाई करना और वकील ढुंड रहा हुं |कोई मुझे तलाश दें प्लिज |
    तब 2005 में रेकर्ड ने रिजिमेंट को पत्र भेजा कि एक Average ACR के लिए इनका promotion नही हुआ तो Army Act…..के अनुसार इनको अब observation period में रखना होगा |अगर अगले दो ACR (2005 और 2006 ) High या above average भी होता है तो इनका नाम reguler promotion board मे शामिल करना होगा |
    मेरा दोनो ACR Above evarage था, फिरभी और इसके बाबजूद भी मेरा नाम promotion के लिए नही भेजा गया है1
    अब मैं चाहता हुं दोनों मामले को ले कर कोर्ट कैस करुं |
    मुझे अच्छा वकील चाहिए, कोई प्लिज मदद करे |
    8732877443, 9612355658,

    November 23, 2022 Reply
  4. RM Suresh

    I got premature retirement in the rank of Hav after completing 16 years of service from Bombay Engineering Group, Kirkee, Pune. My trade was Clerk GD. I have completed 8 years and 9 months in the rank of Hav before retirement. I was discharged on 31 Dec 2005. Kindly intimate whether I am eligible for MACP Nb Sub. My Mobile No is 9400610944. R M Suresh.

    November 18, 2022 Reply
    • Ex Head Clerk MD Thakur from JAK RIF

      Yes you are elible as the policy of ACP started from Jan 2006 and who fullfill the crataria will automatically award MACP by the the concerne Record Office

      December 29, 2022 Reply
  5. Ram kishan

    Happy Diwali,
    I am Hony Nb/Sub Ram Kishan who retired from Indian Army (AOC), 31 Mar 2011 after completion of 24 years service (Hav Rank)
    I got the Croegendam PPO 2011 as Hony Nb/Sub ,but my colum pay for pension 21330 but fix basic pension 9382
    Please confirm me is it correct?

    October 27, 2022 Reply
    • Ex Head Clk MS Thakur JAk RIF

      No if you get the PPO of Hony Nb Dub and getting the pension of Hav not possible. You may write a mail with the copy of Corr PzpO to CDA Allahabad and will get the reply within a month

      December 29, 2022 Reply
  6. Paresh Debnath

    जब किसीको ACP 1 मिला हो तो उन्हे Nb Sub का pension मिलता है यानी कि वह हावलदार नही बल्की Nb Sub के बराबर हुआ |
    ऐसे मे उनको Hav ACP 1 क्यू कहते है ? उन्हे तो Nb Sub ACP 1 कहना चाहिए ! जैसे कि एक Honr’y Nb Sub को भी Hav नही बल्की Nb Sub ही कहते है !

    January 24, 2022 Reply
  7. Babu Lal

    Sir my name is Babu Lal,service no. is 3988982W, retired from rank of hav after 24 years 2 months of service. PCDA pension department sent me a MACP letter but rank mentioned on this letter is Hav Acp-1 not Nb. Sub. Nb. Sub. has to be mentioned on it. So please suggest what to do

    October 9, 2021 Reply
    • Ex Head Clk MS Thakur JAk RIF

      Aka rank Hav hi rahai ga lakin apko pension Hony Nb Sub ka hi milai ga apka status change nahi hoga apko sirf pension benifit milai ga ECHD and CSD status Hav ka hi rahai ga

      December 29, 2022 Reply
  8. Joseph pr

    I am retired from in the Corps of EME on 30/9/2006 after completion of 20 years. I was promoted the rank of Havildar in May 1994 and completed 12 years of service in the rank Havildar.Please confirm that am I eligible for ACP in the ranking Hony Nb Sub.

    August 28, 2021 Reply
  9. Suresh Kumar

    Sir my name is Hav (macp nb/sub) Suresh Kumar my army no 15661763w pl send my new PPO with my new rank macp nb sub

    August 10, 2021 Reply
    • Ex Head Clk MS Thakur JAk RIF

      Apka status Hav hi rahai ga only pension benifit to the rank of Hony Sub

      December 29, 2022 Reply
  10. Ex Hav Susil Kumar Biswas

    I (15106066N Ex Hav Susil Kumar Biswas) have retired from Artillery on 01 March 2006 and got MACP(ACP-1) from 01 January 2006. But the CPPC Kolkata has not been set up the basic pension from 8723 to 10504 after so many requesting corresponding also. May I request you to take up a case to to CPPC Kolkata to revise the pension from 2014 to 10504 from 8723. As well as the case to be take up to my Records(Artilery) and the Mother PCDA Allahabad by your honor.

    August 10, 2021 Reply
    • Ex Hav Susil Kumar Biswas

      May I request you to fwd the reply as my gmail is fwd herewith as per your direction. No 15106066N Ex Hav(ACP 1/MACP Nb Sub) Susil Kumar Biswas’s gmail is biswaskumarsusil@gmail.com

      November 22, 2021 Reply
  11. Kalyan Chand

    I retired from Army in Mar 2006. Recently my PPO of MACP of NB Sub notified by PCDA Allahabad . Previously I got the pension of Hony NB Sub .I am also getting the pension of Disability . Previously my service pension was 22573/ and now my pension is 26741/ At present my disability pension is 6772/ rupees per month. Please intimate whether my disability pension is to be changed or not ?

    January 18, 2021 Reply
    • Ex Head Clk MS Thakur JAk RIF

      No there is no change in the rate of disability pension. It could revise as per OROP

      December 29, 2022 Reply
  12. Shashi Prasad Mishra

    My self Shahi pd. Mishra, service no. 14558409L retirement for the post of HAV rank. PCDA pension department already sended to MACP letter but rank mention on this letter HAV Acp-1 not Nb. Sub.

    So please suggest

    Shashi pd. Mishra

    December 27, 2020 Reply
  13. Sir, I had retired from army as Hav on 31 Dec 2005 and granted Hony Nb sub on 26 Jan 2006. As per AFT Chandigarh orders dated 27.10.2017 on OA 2755 of 2013, govt should pay pension of nb sub within 4 months from 27.10.2017 failing which interest @8 percent pay should be paid. The govt had woken after 28 months and issued letter to pcda allahabad on 21 Feb 2020 without proper rates pension wef 01 jul 2009 onwards. Now I have written to pcda allahabad for payment of pension on correct rates. Should we required to go to AFTagain. Please suggest me.

    December 27, 2020 Reply
    December 2020 at 1148pm
    Happy New year’s
    I am Hony Nb/Sub Virendra Singh Arya,Who retired from Indian Army (Signals) 31 Aug 2012 after completion of 26 year’s and 10 days service (Acp Hav Rank)
    I got the croegendam PPO 2014 as Hony Nb Sub , but my pension is 26273 till date.
    Please confirm is it correct.

    Reply pls
    My email addsd = aryavirendrasingh1@gmail.com

    December 24, 2020 Reply
  15. Sir,
    Subho Diwali,
    I am Hony Nb/Sub A. Mishra who retired from Indian Army (AOC), 31 Mar 2013 after completion of 26 years service (Hav Rank)
    I got the Croegendam PPO 2015 as Hony Nb/Sub ,but my pension is 28769 till date.
    Please confirm me is it correct?

    November 16, 2020 Reply
  16. Dear Sir
    My father Sh SR Sharma ser No. 6325016A EX Hav is a veteran who got retired from corps of signals in Sep 1989 after completing 24 years of colour service.
    Now from your esteems I want your kind intrusion and justification in making me and my father aware of the considerable fact whether he would be awarded with MACP as equivalent to those Havildars of Indian Army who retired on or after 2006 consequent to gain the financial and structural benefits to his counterparts .
    I request you to throw some light for benefit of those who sweat and bled throuh out their life across the territorial fronts for the country without fail.
    I request you to kindly apprise and update and provide with the benefit of MACP if possible.
    Thanks and regards.
    Yours sincerely

    September 12, 2020 Reply
  17. Sir, my name is Balbir Singh Bhardwaj. No 03975108X Hony nb sub DOB 08 DEC 1955DOE 11 NOV 1976 DATE Of Discharge 31oct 2002 total service 26 years please Reply.

    June 7, 2020 Reply
  18. Th Brojendra singha

    Pre retree 2006 hav- granted h/ nbsub as regular nbsub mod letter no. Dt 21 feb 2020. Pcda not mentioned 1/07/2014,1/1/2016. for final adjustment. When

    March 17, 2020 Reply
  19. gaje singh

    मिश्रा जी मै 14584552P हवलदार गजे सिंह हूं 30 जून 2008 को सेवानिवृत हुआ था. मेरा भी nb sub का एमएसीपी के अन्तर्गत रिकार्ड ने pt ii ऑर्डर किया था जो 24 अगस्त 19 को pao or मै audit के लिये भेजा था पर अभी नहीं मिला.
    आपको मिला हो तो बताये कितना समय लगा कितना कुल amount मिला, कितनी पेंशन हुईं,
    पूर्व हवलदार गजे सिंह
    देहरादून उत्तराखंडः

    February 9, 2020 Reply

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