Enhancement of Pension by 20% on attaining the age of 80

Enhancement of Pension by 20% on attaining the age of 80

Dear Veterans,

The issue of when the enhanced rate of pension becomes effective had been settled in the  High Court of Karnataka Dharwad Bench  in WP 105189/2014 in Siddangouda Shivabasanagouda Aayyangoudra Vs   dated 03 Sep 2014 Vs Principal Accountant General Karnataka and in the Guwahati High Court Judgment in WP(C) 4224/2016 dated 15.03.2018 in Virendra Dutt Gyani, ex Acting CJI Guwahati High Court Vs Union of India and 5 others.

A case has been taken up with Secretary (DESW) GOI (MOD) and PCDA (Allahabad) for issue of suitable amendment for crediting of 20% enhanced pension to all Veterans on attaining the age of 80 years (on completion of 79 Years). PCDA (Allahabad) has however replied to the Legal Notice sent by our local Advocate at Secunderabad, Col Ravi Chowdhary that their interpretation stands valid and that the individuals who complete 80 years of age only are eligible for the enhanced rate of pension.

The case was therefore discussed with our Advocate at Delhi who agreed that this is a fit case for filing in AFT Delhi.  All the Members are aware that we have been filing Class Action suits through our Advocate in AFT Delhi to bring down the legal fee. The legal fee for each individual litigant will be worked out with our Advocate depending upon the number of Litigants who would like to join the case.

All Veterans who have completed 79 years and were denied the enhanced rate of pension are eligible to join the case to be filed in AFT Delhi and get the arrears. Those who desire to join the case may please intimate the following details to TSEWA HQ at the earliest on e-Mail ID : triservices.hyd@gmail.com AND NOT RPT NOT ON MY PERSONAL E-MAIL ID:

(a) Rank, Name P.No.
(b) TSEWA Membership No.
(c) DOB
(d) E-Mail ID and Mob/Land line No.
(e) Present Address

The documents required and the Legal fee to be paid will be intimated shortly after ascertaining the total number of Litigants interested in joining the case. Non – Members of TSEWA who desire to join the case may please download the Membership Application from our website: http://www.tsewa.org and become Members of TSEWA.


(Sudheer Parakala)
Commodore, IN (Retd)
President, TSEWA
LL: 040-40216914
URL: http://www.tsewa.org
e-Mail: triservices.hyd@gmail.com

Commissioned into the Indian Navy on 25 Mar 1970, an alumnus of Defence Services Staff College and College of Defence Management. Served in various ships for 9 years including commissioning of India's First Guided Missile Destroyer INS Rajput. Important shore appointments include Dy Naval Attache, Moscow, DS at CDM, Director Naval Plans, Principal Director Procurement at NHQ, Chief Staff Officer (LA&P) at ENC and HF at CDM. Took pre-mature retirement after 32 years service at the peak of career before the Promotion Board to the Flag Rank on compassionate Grounds. At Present totally dedicated to the Ex-Servicemen Welfare and is the President of East & South Zones of TSEWA

1 Comment


    I think not only affected veterans, case is required to be filed as a general case so that there should not be any ambiguity at PDAs to pay the benefits to all whoever will be completing 79 years of his age. Government must issue a standard order in this effect. Everyone of us should be a party to that case.


    October 29, 2021 Reply

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