Ms V Sandhya D/O V Mallesh has been a beneficiary of Educational Assistance from Madhuri Seva Fund sponsored by Col Nagesh Gupta since the Academic Year 2017-18. On completion of her 10+2, she joined Saketa Degree College, Dilshuknagar, Hyderabad in the I Year of BCom during the Academic Year 2018-19. TSEWA has paid a sum of Rs.20,000/- towards the Tuition Fee for the previous Academic Year from Madhuri Seva Fund. She has since completed her I Year with a good Grade of 8.23 GPA and promoted to the Second Year.
The College has certified that she is a bonafide student and that she is required to pay Rs.24,500/- towards the Tuition Fee including the Examination Fee of Rs.2,000/- for the Academic Year 2019-20. Since her education is sponsored by Col Nagesh Gupta from Madhuri Seva Fund, payment of the amount was approved by the Charity Division.
Ms Sandhya was handed over a cheque in favour of Nagamrutha Educational Society towards the Tuition Fee and Examination fee for the Academic Year 2019-20 on 27th Sep 2019 at the TSEWA Office.

I want financial help for my education