Minutes of TSEWA Core Committee Meeting held at 0900 Hrs on 24 Aug 2019 at 143, Vayupuri, Secunderabad
The following attended the above meeting: –
- Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd) – President, In Chair
- Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) – Vice – President
- HFO A Venkata Reddy (Retd) – Vice – President
- Col Dr GB Sethi (Retd) – General Secretary
- Lt Col G Parvathesam (Retd) – Treasurer
- Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd) – Joint Secretary
- Hony Capt B Joseph (Retd) – Joint Secretary
- Col MJ Ganapathy (Retd) – Member
- Hony Capt MN Reddy (Retd) – President, TSEWA Telangana
- Lt Col VS Ramana Reddy (Retd) – Member
- Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd) – Member
- Lt Col Vijay C Salins (Retd) – Member
- Cdr Chandra Shekhar (Retd) – Member
- Lt Col N Ravi Chaudhury (Retd) – Legal Advisor
- Smt Rekha Sekhri – Administrator, TSEWA Blog
The President welcomed all members for the meeting of the Core Committee and thanked them for sparing their time to contribute to growth of TSEWA with their suggestions / recommendations / ideas / opinions / views etc. He then requested General Secretary to commence the proceedings of the meeting.
General Secretary’s Points
Item No 1: Growth of NCESMO. General Secretary informed that few ESM Associations with PO Ved Pal Rathee attended a meeting in the office of IESL at 9, Nyaya Marg, New Delhi. It augers well for growth of NCESMO. Many ESMs are living in North Indian states. If Haryana can form Haryana State Federation of ESMO, then other North India states can follow.
Item No 2: Achievements of Office Bearers of TSEWA. General Secretary suggested that many of our office bearers all over the country are rendering yeoman service to the veteran community. But it is not being publicized.
At this stage Mrs Rekha Sekhri, Administrator of TSEWA Blog informed that achievements sent by Hav Janendra Kumar Sahoo have been put up in TSEWA Blog.
Item No 3: Operationalization of TSEWA Trust. General Secretary informed that TSEWA Trust is a registered society. Now it has to be operationalized.
Decision of Core Committee. The Core Committee requested Gp Capt CRR Sastry, Jt Secy to call for assembly of members of the Trust at the earliest convenience and lay down a road map.
Points from Cmde Sudheer Parakala Vice – President
Item No 4: Letter from President, NCESMO to Hon’ble Raksha Mantri. He suggested that Brig Kartar Singh, President, NCESMO to write a letter to Hon’ble Raksha Mantri to convene third quarterly meeting of NCESMO. President, TSEWA to send a draft letter to Brig Kartar Singh.
Decision of Core Committee. President, TSEWA to send a draft letter to Brig Kartar Singh, President, NCESMO.
Item No 5: Total Amount Disbursed on Various Charitable Activities. He informed that TSEWA disbursed total of Rs 29.18 lakhs from inception of Charity Div in 2016 which is a commendable achievement. This included about Rs 4 lakhs sent by Shradha Foundation which was disbursed by Col Ajit Singh Rana, President, TSEWA North Zone to various beneficiaries in Punjab and Rs 8 lakhs collected for rehabilitation of Capt Virendra Singh Gurung of Dehradun. He requested all Presidents of TSEWA in Zones, States, Districts and Metros to send a proposal for disbursement of Rs 80,000 earmarked for disbursal in the QE Sep 2019.
Decision of Core Committee. Cmde Sudheer Parakala to issue a mail giving out checklist of documents to be sent by Presidents of TSEWA at all levels when they recommend suitable cases for financial assistance. As any amount given to a beneficiary is to be supported by documents which later are required to be sent Income Tax Dept, the documentation therefore assumes importance.
Points from Lt Col N Ravi Choudhary, Legal Advisor
Item No 6: Filing of Legal Case in AFT Mumbai: He informed a case has been filed in AFT Mumbai titled Equal Pay for Equal Work. He explained erstwhile Lt Cols who commanded units but now with AVS Committee all officers are made Lt Cols who are tenanting appointment of Coy Cdrs. Earlier Lt Cols who commanded units are not getting benefit of pay of Colonels. The demand of such Lt Cols is to get pension of Colonel SG.
Item No 7: Initial Pay of Major in 5th CPC : AFT 28 B: Lt Col Ravi Choudhary filed a case in Circuit bench, Secunderabad of AFT Chennai seeking amendment to SAI 2/S/1998 fixing initial pay of Major at Rs 11,925 and not Rs 11,600. Though this case of wrong fixation of initial pay was won in Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Min of Def did not amend SAI 2/S/1998 because of which the initial pay of Majors in 6th CPC was wrongly fixed taking initial pay of Rs 11,600 of 5th CPC.
Item No 8: HNS – 2 Case of Petitioners of AP and Telangana. The case of Pre – 2006 Hony Nb Subs was filed in Circuit bench, Secunderabad of AFT Chennai for petitioners of AP and Telangana.
Points from the President
Item No 9: Dissemination. He sends many useful mails on pensions, OROP etc based on request received from members and non-members of TSEWA. These are very useful for all pensioners to know how to work out their own pension. Members are requested to disseminate such mails to all others in various mail groups in which they are members. Aim is to disseminate maximum useful information for the benefit of veterans and family pensioners. Many of them are not getting their entitled pension.
Item No 10: 30 MS PP Slides. Air Mshl SY Savur (Retd) obtained 30 MS PP slides of CGDA shown in a meeting convened in the office of Jt Secy, Min of Def (ESW) on OROP. The slides contain factually incorrect information on OROP. Basically, the CGDA tried to show large number of pensioners retired in the period Jul 2014 to Jun 2019 get lesser pension than in OROP – 2013. As per information received by President, TSEWA from various pensioners, it is seen that not more than 20% of such pensioners received less pension than in OROP – 2013. The reason for such an anomaly is that these pensioners got their promotion very late and had very less Last Drawn pay on which pension is determined. Second reason is all those officers with. Pre- commissioned service got their pension for their commissioned service and not for total qualifying service which includes their pre – commission service. Had CGDA taken up this anomaly and recommending to Govt of India to equalize their pension with OROP – 2013 pension, this anomaly would not have arisen. To recommend abolition of OROP is a retrograde step. Second reason given by CGDA is that Notional Pay method of pension fixation has equalized pensions of pre and post – 2016 pensioners as if all of them are now serving in 7th CPC. This is totally wrong input. The PPOs obtained show clearly that those retired in calendar year 2016 draw higher pension than those retired prior to Jan 2016.
There being no other point, the President declared the meeting as closed.
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA