Minutes of Meeting of TSEWA Core Committee held on 31st October 2018 at Secunderabad


The following attended:

(a)  Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)             –    President in Chair
(b)  Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd)    –    Vice President
(c)  Col GB Sethi (Retd)                         –    General Secretary
(d)  Lt Col G Parvathesam (Retd)        –    Treasurer
(e)   Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd)           –   Joint Secretary
(f)   Cmde Ashok Kota (Retd)                –   Member
(g)  Cdr Chandrashekhar (Retd)           –  Member
(h)  Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd)               –  Member
(j)  Col Vijai Salins (Retd)                      –  Member
(k)  Maj B Bikshapathi (Retd)               –   Member
(l)   Mrs Rekha Sekhri                             –  Administrator, TSEWA Blog
(m) Col N Ravi Chowdary                      –  Legal Advisor          In Attendance

The President welcomed all present and expressed his happiness on good attendance in the meeting. He requested the General Secretary to speak on his points after the adoption of the Minutes of last meeting.

Adoption of Minutes of Meeting held on 24th October 2018: The Minutes of the meeting were posted on the TSEWA Blog on 27thOctober 2018 and no requests for amendment/ dissent were received. Hence the house unanimously adopted the Minutes and requested those responsible for taking actions to implement the decisions expeditiously.

Info: All

Points from the General Secretary.

HNS Case: He said that 9 members from Punjab are agitated about the inordinate delay in filing the HNS 1A case and that he is receiving very frequent queries from them. He expressed his deep anguish at the rude and abusive behaviour of these members.

Gp Capt CRR Sastry mentioned that the case was already filed with Hony Nb Sub Fauji Ram as Lead Litigant and the OA No was not allotted as there was an observation which is now rectified. OA No is likely to be allotted soon.

Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry    Info: All

Cases for Regional Benches: He said that AFT PB seems to be choked with cases and hence filing of new cases is taking a lot of time. To avoid adverse criticism, the General Secretary said that we should file cases in Regional Benches where ever good advocates are available. Liaison with such advocates will be done directly from TSEWA HO.

Info: All

Visit of Gp Capt CRR Sastry: Cmde Sudheer Parakala felt that handling of work concerning the filing of cases in AFT PB New Delhi is not being monitored remotely from Hyderabad which often leads to delay in filing of these cases. General Secretary expressed his angst that visit of Gp Capt CRR Sastry to Delhi has not happened.

Gp Capt CRR Sastry mentioned that he has been liaising with Brig SKS Rana,VSM (Retd), President, Legal Division on a weekly basis and is regularly monitoring the filing of cases. He said that the delay in filing of cases is not due to lack of efforts and having more lawyers did not necessarily yield results. He agreed to visit Delhi in last week of November 2018.

Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry          Info: All

Points from Treasurer.

Sec. 80(G) Application: Our Chartered Accountant has already filed the subject application online and  has submitted the hard copy of the application along with all documents to the IT authorities. We can expect an appointment for hearing shortly.

Action: General Secretary & Treasurer

Charity Activities: He said that Cheques for support to needy students (Mr D Krishna and Ms Sandhya) for their education are ready for handing over. After handing over of these cheques, suitable photos and details of the recipients will be posted on the TSEWA Blog.

Action: Chairman, Charity Division

Points of Vice President: He mentioned about the case of an ASC Havildar whose over aged son (27 years) is suffering from a Pancreatic disorder which requires treatment costing almost Rs 20,000 per month. Treasurer said that TSEWA does not have that kind of funds for charity and Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd) suggested that TSEWA should support only ewducation and not health care costs, as they can be prohibitive. The house agreed with the Treasurer and regretted inability of TSEWA to provide succour in this case.

Info: Col S Srikantha

Points from Col N Sitaramaiah: He said that the Concordance Tables issued recently by the MoD are quite complicated and many Veterans do not have any understanding in the matter. He suggested that some key members of TSEWA from different parts of the country be familiarised by the President so that these key members familiarise others. President agreed to undertake this task.

Action: President

Points from President:

Assistance to Late Col Veeramani’s Family. He said that the bereaved family requires our assistance to get the family pension for his surviving dependent son resumed. Gp Capt CRR Sastry agreed to do the needful in the matter.

Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry

Social Evenings: He said that though we meet each week to discuss the TSEWA activities, the interaction at social plane is almost non existent. Therefore, he proposed that all members of Core and Executive Committee who have RSI Membership should meet with their spouses once in a month for better interaction.  Mrs Sekhri suggested that it should be held on a non-function day.  This was welcomed by all and Col Ravi Chowdhary agreed to organise the get together. It has been decided that such TSEWA Social Evening should be held on the last Saturday of each month.

Action: Col Ravi Chowdhary      Info: All

Life Certificate: The President reminded all to submit the Life Certificate in November by visiting the Bank or through the Jeevan Praman App so that the disbursement Pension is not interrupted. He wanted the active members to publicise the matter with other Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

Action: All

LPC of Maj Gens and their Equivalent Ranks: Consequent to the Judgment in Maj Gen SPS Vains case, Government has decided to implement the judgment to all similarly placed officers. Consequently, the Accounts Officers (CDA(O) of Army, Nav Pay Office ad AFCAO have started generating the LPCs. This needs to be publicised.

Info: All

There being no other points the meeting was closed at 11.15 am

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA


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