The following attended the meeting:
(a) Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd) – President in Chair
(b) Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd)- Vice President
(c) Lt Col G Parvatesam (Retd) – Treasurer
(d) Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd) – Joint Secretary
(e) Hony Capt B Joseph (Retd) – Joint Secretary
(f) Col MJ Ganapathy (Retd) – Member
(g) Maj B Bikshapathi (Retd) – Member
(h) Col N Ravi Chowdary (Retd) – Legal Advisor In Attendance
The house learnt with great shock and profound sorrow about the sudden and untimely demise of Col MK Veeramani (Retd), a solid pillar of TSEWA. The President in his eulogy mentioned that the departed Veteran was associated actively in formation of TSEWA and all its activities be it Relay Hunger Strike demanding OROP, Awareness Campaigns in Tamilnadu and Charity Activities. He was always in the forefront in making the stay of EC Members memorable during the AGM and EC Meetings. As Chairman of Charity Division of TSEWA he made mammoth efforts to garner funds for beneficiaries from Veterans and other donors and also went to great lengths to verify the antecedents of prospective beneficiaries to ensure that only the most deserving get TSEWA support. Unmindful of his delicate health, he was active in various Religious and Social Groups like Chinmaya Mission and made great efforts to facilitate pilgrimages by senior citizens from marginalised sections to Temples in Tamilnadu. His soft spoken and large-hearted nature has endeared him to all those who had the fortune of interacting with him and his departure has left great void not only in TSEWA but also in the hearts of its members.
The house observed a Two Minute Silence to pay tribute to the departed soul.
Points from Treasurer.
Col Parvatesam requested Col Ravi Chowdhary and Hony Capt Joseph to pursue with Mrs Padma to send the cancelled cheque so that her Pension can be started by the PDA.
Action : Hony Capt B Joseph & Col Ravi Chowdary
Points from Vice President.
Cmde Sudheer Parakala requested the President TSEWA who is also the Vice President of the NCESMO to pursue with Brig Kartar Singh, President NCESMO to send the Agenda Points to Ministry of Defence under intimation to all constituents along with the Bio data of the Representatives of each Constituent so that MOD can issue security clearance.
The President immediately spoke to Brig Kartar Singh, President, NCESMO to circulate the agenda points already forwarded by TSEWA to the other member of NCESMO and seek their agenda points.
Action: President
Points from Gp Capt CRR Sastry.
Course of Action in OA 3/2018 (BB – 3): Gp Capt CRR Sastry said that Brig SKS Rana was requested to consider adopting Option 1 of Review of AFT Judgment in OA 3/2018 by a larger Bench of AFT. A detailed mail in this regard was sent to him.
Action: Brig SKS Rana VSM Info: All
Reconstitution of Charity Division: Due to the sad demise of Col MK Veeramani, there is an urgent need to reconstitute the Charity Division so that the Charity Work which was so dear to the heart of the departed veteran does not suffer. The Treasurer proposed that Cmde Sudheer Parakala should be considered for designation of President, Charity Division and said that Gp Capt CRR Sastry should be inducted as a Member of Charity Division. The House unanimously approved these proposals and the President requested Cmde Sudheer Parakala and Gp Capt CRR Sastry to assume the responsibilities of President and Member of Charity Division of TSEWA respectively which they accepted.
Action: Cmde Sudheer Parakala & Gp Capt CRR Sastry Info : All
Points from Hony Capt B Joseph.
Obituary of Col Veeramani in News Letter: He suggested that a suitable Obituary should be included in the TSEWA News Letter that is currently under compilation. President agreed to this and asked Gp Capt CRR Sastry to do the needful.
Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry Info: All
Points from President.
Conversation with Maj Gen Satbir Singh: The President recounted his recent telephonic conversation with Maj Gen Satbir Singh of IESM and said that the call was initiated by him. After complimenting the work of TSEWA, the Gen suggested that the impact of the Concordance tables on the Pensions of JCOs/ORs should be studied so that we may take a holistic view on these tables. The President informed the house that he has sought the data from JCO/OR members of TSEWA so that he can make the study.
Action: Brig CS Vidyasagar Info: All
Assisting the Family of Col MK Veeramani: The President said that the Col Veeramani’s younger son and daughter in law will stay in his house at 178, Gunrock Enclave, Phase – II, Sikh Village, Secunderabad. The name of the younger son being handicapped has been endorsed as the heir to Family Pension. The family requires some assistance to correspond with the PSA and PDA to get the Family Pension started and requested some members to take up this task. Gp Capt CRR Sastry and Col G Parvatesam have agreed to take on the task and will visit the Family after the 12th day ceremonies so that documents required for starting the Family Pension can be collected.
Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry & Col G Parvatesam
There being no further points the meeting was closed at 11.15 am.
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA