Minutes of TSEWA Executive cum Core Committee Meeting Held on 03 Jan 2018 at Secunderabad


The following members were present.

  1. Brig CS Vidyasagar                 –  President
  2. Cmde Sudheer Parakala        –  Vice President
  3. Col Dr GB Sethi                       –  General Secretary
  4. Lt Col G Parvathesam             –  Treasurer
  5. Gp Capt CRR Sastry                –  Joint Secretary
  6. H/Capt B Joseph                     –  Joint Secretary
  7. Col MK Veeramani                  –  President Charity Division
  8. Mrs Rekha Sekhri                    –  Administrator TSEWA Blog
  9. Cdr Vasudeva Rao                    –  Legal Advisor
  10. H/ Capt MN Reddy                  –  President Telengana
  11. Cmde Ashok Kota                     –  Member
  12. Col MJ Ganapathy                   –   Member
  13. Lt Col Ramana Reddy             –   Member
  14. Lt Col RR Sekhri                       –   Member
  15. Sub Ramachandra Rao            –  Member

Points from the President 

President welcomed all and wished everyone a very happy, healthy & prosperous new year. He said that in this New Year 2018 we should achieve many more laurels for TSEWA by constantly working for the bright future of TSEWA. The immediate milestone is to get 10,000 members to represent TSEWA in all forums of pensioners of Government of India. Second is to get income tax rebate for donations made under Sec 80 (G) of Income Tax 1961. Third thing is to file AFT cases in various AFTs for welfare of ESMs and their families. He said BB – 3 has been filed and is given OA – 3/2018. The first hearing is on 04 Jan 2018. He also said that the judgment is likely to be given within a few days, as this is only a repetitive case. He also said that the last EC/CC meeting was not attended by many members, so he gave the gist of the meeting for the information of all.

Cmde KS Sandhu,  President  TSEWA  Mumbai Metro planned to organize an awareness camp at Jal Vayu Complex in Mankhurd- Navi Mumbai complex on 11 Feb 2018 without any payment for the hall.

Quarterly Meeting of Hon’ble RRM, Minsitry of Defence. He said that Cmde Sudheer parakala  informed that quarterly meeting has been fixed by hon’ble Raksha Mantri, to be chaired by RRM where Brig SKS Rana and Col Ajit Rana will represent TSEWA.

Charitable Activities.  President informed that some   people are reluctant for the videos of girl students for the charitable work. President said that for such cases photos will do and we need not insist on videos when we have to select deserving cases for financial assistance.

Lt Col Babu Pappachan, President, TSEWA, Kerala has assured that he will try and send three deserving cases for charity.

Brig Sharad Bhandari, President Coastal Karnataka & Goa has brought out one case, where a Sep of Signals got married, but did not get DO PT II published. His wife died leaving behind one child. No DO Pt II was published for the birth of the child nor the death of his wife. Then he got married again. No DO Pt II was published for re-marriage. Through the second marriage he got two Children. As usual no DO Pt II was published for the birth of the children from second wife. Unfortunately his second wife also died but no DO Part II was got published. Later on he also died.

His children – two girls one of 11 years and younger one of 9 years – are without father and mother. President informed Col Sharath Bandari that TSEWA will help these orphaned children with financial assistance. The eldest child is eligible to get dependent pension. But it will take long time as publication of DO Part II by Record Office will  need getting certificates from Gram Panchayat and affidavit signed by First Class Judicial Magistrate for all these personal occurrences. Without the documents Record Office will not process the case for sanction of dependent pension to the eldest girl.

National Executive Committee.    Gp Capt CRR Sastry, Joint Secretary said that the present Executive Committee which is Hyderabad centric should not take all decisions with financial implication as National Executive Committee (NEC) is approved by Extra Ordinary General Body in Sep 2017. National EC should approve any such proposal by majority. It was suggested that through Skype we can have tele conference and such cases can be discussed and decision taken without any loss of time.

Gp Capt CRR Sastry said that General Body can take only three decisions. 1. Electing/ Selecting EC members. 2. Passing the financial statements and approving  budget for next year. 3. Appointing the Auditor. Rest all the executive powers are with the NEC only. NEC can nominate & co-opt any member to assist them to discharge their duties. So Core Committee can be selected by NEC.

General Secretary also said that the members of Core Committee should be selected by the NEC and any member cannot walk in and attend the EC/ CC meetings.

All present agreed for the same and said that this must be implemented strictly.

5 Lakh Hits of TSEWA Blog. President announced that it gives him immense pleasure to see that TSEWA blog has the unique record of getting more than 5 lakh hits within one year of launching it. He thanked Smt Rekha Sekhri for her singular contribution to make TSEWA Blog as single point source of information on all ESM matters. She updates the blog every day and TSEWA owes her great deal of debt for her dedication and devotion.

Points from General Secretary

He read out the list of legal cases i.e. those we have already been won, those filed in AFT Delhi with their OA Nos, legal cases sent to Brig SKS Rana, VSM, President, Legal Division for his scrutiny and balance legal cases being handled by HQ TSEWA.

Legal Cases. General Secretary informed that as per the judgment of BB – 1 & BB – 2, the effective date of arrears is three years from the date of filing the case and from the date of retirement. Brig SKS Rana, VSM after consulting many advocates has informed that no review petition can be filed in AFT Delhi for BB – 1 and BB – 2 cases to grant them arrears from date of retirement. He further suggested that in future separate cases will be filed for pensioners from Army, Navy & IAF. Also total litigants in one batch should not exceed 150 to get early judgments from AFTs. Regarding Administrative charges, Brig SKS Rana informed that irrespective of the number of litigants, it will be Rs 25,000/-

It was decided that the last date for AFT 1 C will be 31 Jan 2018.

It was also decided that we should explore the possibilities of filing cases in other AFTs also. Brig Dharam Raj Singh and Col YR Sharma are prepared to help TSEWA, to file the cases at AFT Lucknow.

Sqn Ldr Amitav Chatterji, President, TSEWA Maharashtra intimated that Cdr Anshuman Ojha will help us at AFT Mumbai.

Same way Lt Col Latif Vadakayil has said that when we file the case at AFT Kochi, Shri Nair who fought the case of Shri MO Inasu for abolition of 33 year rule to get minimum pension for Pre – 2006 Armed Forces Pensioners and Shri Ramesh advocates of AFT Kochi will help us.

It was decided that Gp Capt Sastry be requested to visit these places, talk to the advocates and finalise the terms and conditions for taking up the legal cases, legal fees, clerickage, periodicity of payment of legal fees. It was suggested that Col Ajit Rana be requested talk to Maj Navdeep Singh or Mrs Jyothi Singh or Maj Mrs Tomar and give a feed back to us.

For AFT 29 there are 592 litigants and for AFT 29-B there are only 4 litigants. Hence it was decided that AFT 29 and AFT 29 B will be merged together and the case will be filed.

It was pointed out that there is hardly any progress in the Reservists case. It was decided that in Himachal Pradesh, there are many Reservists. Therefore Col KKS Dadwal, President, TSEWA, Himachal Pradesh be requested to expedite filing the case in AFT Delhi. He be permitted to travel to Delhi, have consultations with Brig SKS Rana, VSM and Brig AK Srivastava, VSM and then file the case in AFT Delhi with whatever number of petitioners whose documents are in order. General Secretary informed that Air Cmde GS Nijjar was handling the legal case of Reservists but unfortunately he fell sick and is not available for some time.

General Secretary informed that the list of legal cases and their status is also available in our TSEWA Blog.

Brig CS Vidyasagar has volunteered to be the All India Co ordinator for AFT 1C.

Lt Col Ravi Chowdhary will file the case AFT – 20 of EME JCOs at Circuit Bench at Secunderabad.

TSEWA Brochure. It was the general opinion that we should have a brochure for TSEWA, so that people will come to know about various activities of TSEWA. President and H/ Capt Joseph will finalise the details of the Brochure.

Action to be taken by all concerned.

Points from Lt Col G Parvathesam, the Treasurer

Treasurer informed that SBI, Bhaskar Rao Nagar is not accepting cheques from those whose account is not linked with Aadhaar number. Earlier the last date for linking of Aadhaar with Bank account was 31 Dec 2017. Now the Government has extended the last date to link Aadhaar to 31 March 2018. But SBI have not changed their Software for the renewed date of linking up and hence this problem has come up. Treasurer said he will talk to SBI Manager and sort out the problem.

Action to be taken by Treasurer

Calendar 2018 of TSEWA. H/ Capt B Joseph, Joint Secretary informed  that as per task allotted to him, he has got 1,600 calendars printed. These can be sent to all the Presidents Zones, States, Districts and Metros and others in the same way as it was done last year. It was decided that no payment be collected for the calendars and it be given free to members and others.

Advertisement in Newspaper on Charitable Activities.   President suggested an advertisement be given in two Telugu Dailies asking deserving personnel to apply for financial assistance. H/ Capt Joseph was requested to give advertisement in EENADU and Andhra Jyothi about TSEWA activities. It was also suggested by the President that we can give Advertisement about our charitable activities in the RSI News letter. If required we can also pay for the same. Gen Secy was requested to do the needful.

Action to be taken by H/ Capt Joseph, Gen Secy

Chartiable Activities for Putting up in TSEWA Blog. Mrs Rekha Sekhri, Administrator TSEWA Blog sought information on all the charitable activities to be put in our Blog. Lt Col Parvathesam informed that he will give all the details to Mrs Rekha Sekhri.

Vice-President.  Since Sgt Lawrence Joseph, Vice President is not keeping well and n ot attending for almost six months, it was felt by all members of EC/CC that he is not likely to be available to TSEWA for long time. The Executive Committee thanked Sgt Lawrence Joseph for all the services he rendered from inception. The Executive Committee decided to have one JCO or hony officer from IAF so that we have equal representation in the post of President (Army), Vice President No 1 (Navy) and Vice President No 2 (IAF). The President suggested HFO A Venkat Reddy is the most suitable to be the next Vice President of TSEWA. It was agreed to by all.

President sought acceptance of HFO A Venkata Reddy on telephone. HFO A Venkata Reddy agreed to shoulder the responsibility. His appointment will be got ratified in the Annual General Body Meeting scheduled to be held in June 2018.

New Members.    H/ Capt Joseph said that during his last Bengaluru trip he had made 44 members of TSEWA. His gesture was well appreciated by all.

TSEWA President, Vacouver, Canada.  Col MK Veeramani, President, Charity Division brought out that Col RP Sikka one of his course-mates, who is at Vancouver in Canada is ready to be the TSEWA President there and make as many as ESMs there as members of  TSEWA. He had earlier volunteered to donate money if TSEWA identifies any student, who is in need of financial support. His good gesture was very much appreciated by all and all members agreed to make him as President of TSEWA at Vancouver, Canada. All congratulated him.

Action to be taken by  General Secretary, Treasurer

Smt Jaya Rao from Hongkong.  The President introduced Smt Jaya Rao working in Hongkong to all present in the meeting. She anchors Jai Hind Radio Programme for Telugu speaking viewers all over the World.

She informed all that she presently is based in Hong Kong and is working for Hong Kong Radio regarding  programme “Jai Hind”, a programme about the Armed Forces of India and their activities. Earlier she requested President, TSEWA to come to their radio station at Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad and a talk show on activities of TSEWA was broad cast. It was a live show and few Telugu listeners sought answers to some of their queries. The programme is telecast in more than 100 countries and has  listeners base of more than 17 lakhs.   She has volunteered to help TSEWA in spreading the good activities of the organsiation. President suggested to her that she can contact H/ Capt B Joseph, Joint Secretary, who is having an ESM organization in his place. He can talk in Telugu well. So he suggested to her, to get in touch with H/ Capt B Joseph in this regard. She had agreed for the same

There being no other point, President thanked all for attending the meeting and also for participating in the deliberations. Thus the meeting ended.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)
President, TSEWA


1 Comment

  1. Gen K Eswaran

    Excellent initiative by the people. Nice to know that there are good people in this world who are selflessly working for the society. Best wishes and god bless you all.

    February 8, 2018 Reply

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