Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held on 10 Dec 2022

Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee  held at 1000 Hrs on 10 Dec 2022


The meeting was attended by the following:-

  1. Cmde Sudheer Parakala                    President
  2. Brig CS Vidyasagar                              Chief Mentor
  3. Brig DSC Varma, VSM                          Vice President
  4. Lt Col G Parvathesam                          General Secretary
  5. Cdr Chandra Shekhar                          Joint Secretary
  6. Brig SKS Rana, VSM                             President Legal Division
  7. Maj Gen SN Mukherjee                      President TSEWA, East Zone
  8. Cmde Ashok Kota                                President TSEWA, South Zone
  9. Col Srikantha Seshadri                       President TSEWA, Karnataka
  10. Col CAJ Swamy                                     President TSEWA, AP
  11. Hav Harish Asthana                           President TSEWA, UP
  12. Col CM Unnithan                                President TSEWA, Chennai Metro
  13. WO Thiruchelvam                               President TSEWA, Tamil Nadu
  14. Hony Capt GJ Manohar                      President TSEWA, AP (Rayala Seema)
  15. Hony Sub Maj KV Subba Rao            President TSEWA, AP (Coastal Area)
  16. Lt Col Dr. Bhaskara Reddy                Medical Member
  17. Hony Capt B Joseph                           Member

The President welcomed all present in the meeting and proceeded with the conduct of the meeting since the General Secretary was on a personal tour.

 Item No. 1. Minutes of the Last NEC Meeting:  The President read out minutes of the last NEC Meeting and explained the progress on each point.
Action: Nil.

Item No. 2.  Problems due to SPARSH Migration:   The President informed that a decision has been taken to depute Brig CS Vidyasagar, Chief Mentor and Hav Harish Asthana, President UP to attend the two-day seminar being conducted on SPARSH at Prayagraj on 13 & 14 Dec 2022. All the points regarding problems faced on Migration to SPARSH were consolidated for discussion. All other issues were discussed and Brig Vidyasagar was requested to get replies/suggested solutions from PCDA for promulgation and taking up with MOD.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 3. Awareness Camp at Kolkata: The President thanked Maj Gen SN Mukherjee for the detailed programme for conduct of awareness Camp at Kolkata on 08 Jan 2023. He Requested Gen Mukherjee to project requirement of funds if any required for conduct of the camp to facilitate Bank Transfer. He further said that details of beneficiaries from TSEWA Charity would begiven so that one or two children could come up on to the stage and thank TSEWA for the help during the Awareness Camp.
Action:  Maj Gen Mukherjee is requested to finalise the programme, make logistic arrangements and intimate requirement of funds to the General Secretary.

Item No. 4. Payment of Fixed Medical Allowance. WO Thiruchelvam raised the point about some veterans not being paid Fixed Medical Allowance though they are non-ECHS Members. In spite of protracted correspondence with the CPPCs, they were not paid and after migration to SPARSH, PCDA is also not paying stating that CPPCs should have paid the amount to such individuals. Col Srikantha Seshadri said that he would take up the case with MD, ECHS for payment of FMA through SPARSH.
Action:  Col Srikantha Seshadri is requested to take up the issue with MD ECHS

Item No. 5. Pending AFT Cases: The President informed that sufficient Judges are appointed to AFTs and we should pursue our long pending cases with AFT, Delhi to restore our credibility. He requested Brig SKS Rana, VSM, President Legal Division to expedite our cases trough our Advocate. Brig Rana assured that he would do the needful after about 10 days.
Action:  The President Legal Division is requested to expedite our Pending cases

Item No. 6. Internal Audit of Accounts: Col (Dr) Bhaskar Reddy volunteered to shoulder more duties  in TSEWA. The President thanked him and requested that he should continue with regular internal audit of TSEWA accounts either on monthly basis or quarterly basis. He requested that this may be coordinated in consultation with our new Treasurer Col Mahadevan and keep submitting his reports to the NEC.
Action:  Col (Dr) Bhaskar Reddy requested to do the needful.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:25 PM and decided to hold the next NEC Meeting on 24 Dec 2022.

Sudheer Parkala
Commodore, IN (Retd)
President, TSEWA

1 Comment


    Respected Sir,
    After the migration of pre-2016 pensioners to SPARSH theDPDO/Bankers’ certificate required for 64KB ECHS Smart card are not being issued by them. The SPARSH web is not having the facility to apply for the stoppage of FMA . Kindly guide the needly ESMs on the issue. Thanks

    December 22, 2022 Reply

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