Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held on 23 April 2022

Minutes of the Virtual/ Physical Meeting of the TSEWA National Executive Committee held at 1000 hrs on 23 April 2022


The meeting was attended by the following:-

  1. Cmde Sudheer Parakala                  President, in Chair
  2. Brig CS Vidyasagar                            Chief Mentor
  3. Lt Col G Parvathesam                       General Secretary
  4. Brig RS Rawat                                     President TSEWA, Central Zone
  5. Cmde Ashok Kota                              President TSEWA, North Zone
  6. Col Ajit Rana                                       President TSEWA, South Zone
  7. WO Thiruchelvam                              President TSEWA, Tamilnadu
  8. Cmde KS Sandhu                               President TSEWA, West Zone
  9. Col Srikantha Seshadri                      President TSEWA, Karnataka
  10. Maj Gen SN Mukherjee                     President TSEWA, Eastern Zone
  11. Hav Harish Asthana                           President TSEWA, UP
  12. Hony Capt GJ Manohar                     President TSEWA, AP(Rayala Seema)
  13. Hony Capt KV Subba Rao                 President TSEWA, AP(Coastal Area)
  14. Brig Suresh Nair                                 President TSEWA, Kerala
  15. Brig DSC Varma                                  Member
  16. Lt Col Dr. Bhaskara Reddy                Member
  17. Lt Col VRRS Reddy                              Member
  18. Maj Dr. B Bhikshapathy                     Member
  19. Hony Capt B Joseph                            Member

The President welcomed all present in the meeting and requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.

Item No. 1. Changes in TSEWA NEC: The President welcomed Brig DSC Varma, Ex Cdr, Telangana & Andhra Sub Area, who volunteered to join TSEWA and work for its development. He requested NEC Members to consider inducting Brig DSC Varma into NEC. TSEWA NEC approved the appointment of Brig DSC Varma as TSEWA NEC Member, in place of Hony N/Sub Ahmadulla Khan, as proposed by Brig RS Rawat and seconded by Brig CS Vidyasagar.
Action: Nil.

Item No. 2. Pension Anomalies of Maj Gen & Above: The President briefed the details and informed that the Advocate has been asked to submit 3 more affidavits of each litigant of this case. He suggested these affidavits to be obtained for future AFT Cases also.
Action:  The General Secretary is requested to arrange the affidavits.

Item No. 3. TSEWA Membership: The General Secretary appreciated that Brig CS Vidyasagar and Hony Capt B Joseph conducted the Awareness Program at 1 EME Centre, where they could enroll as many as 275 new members for TSEWA.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 4.ACP/ MACP Case: The President informed that TSEWA could receive only one litigant so far for the case. Brig CS Vidyasagar explained the advantages of this case and requested Zonal/ State Presidents to speak to the affected TSEWA NCOs/ Jawans so that more members can join the case.
Action: Zonal/ State Presidents are requested to do the needful. 

Item No. 5. Liquor Quota: The President informed that there were some problems in Tamilnadu in getting full quota of Liquor. He informed that AHQ has issued instructions to all canteens to issue full quota of liquor.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 6. Veterans treatment in Service Hospitals: The President informed that AHQ has issued an advisory that all Service Hospitals shall accept veterans in emergency cases and ensure their treatment in Service Hospital and / or admission in empaneled Hospital.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 7. Pension Payment by SPARSH: The President informed that there are some initial problems being faced by the pensioners at present and hoped that they will be solved in due course. The matter was discussed at length and it was considered prudent to migrate to SPARSH slowly as the legacy system may not be supported by PCDAs in future.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 8. No Response/Poor Response from PCDA and Record Offices: WO Thiruchelvam explained various cases of no response or poor response from PCDA/ Record Offices. He requested HQ TSEWA to take up such cases with concerned authorities. The General Secretary requested to send such cases to HQ TSEWA and assured that necessary action will be done by HQ TSEWA.
Action:  Nil.

Item No. 9. TSEWA News Letter: Maj Gen SN Mukherjee suggested to send TSEWA News Letters periodically so that the members get the latest information from TSEWA. The General Secretary informed that the News Letter used to be sent by Late GP Capt Shastry and requested Maj Dr. B Bhikshapathy to look in to the matter.
Action:  Maj Dr. B Bhikshapathy is requested to do the needful.

Item No. 10. Response of emails: Lt Col Dr.Bhaskara Reddy suggested that HQ TSEWA should ensure their communication to reach the members. For that the members may be asked to reply the mail, even if there is no information to be sent by them.
Action:  The General Secretary is requested to do the needful.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:30 PM and decided to hold the next NEC Meeting on 14 May 2022.

Cmde Sudheer Parkala (Retd)
President, TSEWA




    Dear Sir,

    I am A Gabriel Stephen, Ex POAF, SNO: 177295w, sir released from navy on 31 july 2007, still my e-ppo is not generated. Kindly suggest me how to up date.

    Even though i observed for all my batch mates theirs service numbers are reflecting in the LIST of AMENEDED PRE -16 SAILORS E-PPOS GENERATED BY PCDA UP TO OCT 2021.

    Kindly guide me.

    mobile no. 8098987598
    email Id. steevegabs@yahoo.com, steevegabs@gmail.com.

    Thanks and regards

    A Gabriel Stephen.

    May 7, 2022 Reply
  2. Lt col s balakrishnan

    May i know the present status of the case by name ” col(ts) _2
    I have joined that by giving vakalat etc and fees too duriny 2015 or so
    So far didn’t hear anything about it
    Kindly let me know

    May 5, 2022 Reply

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