Brief on WP20310/2021 with IA 01/2021 – OROP Equalisation Due on 01 Jul 2019

Brief on  WP20310/2021 with IA 01/2021 – OROP Equalisation Due on 01 Jul 2019

TSEWA thanks all the Members who have contributed to filing of Writ Petition on OROP and happy to inform that Writ Petition WP 20310/2021 with IA 01/2021 has been successfully  filed in Hon’ble High Court of Telangana at Hyderabad by TSEWA  Advocate at Hyderabad Col Ravi Chowdhary and his colleague. Notice by the Court to Asst Solicitor General Govt of India (ASGGI) with copies of WP has been given. ASGGI will obviously file reply for non-admission and Dismissal of the case. Arguments for Admission and non-Admission will go on. Meanwhile judge will get synopsis of the case. The above case filed in the Hon’ble High Court at Hyderabad is shifted from Court Number 10 to Court No.30 of Justice B Vijayasen Reddy and placed at Serial 53 for admission. The next hearing date is 28 Oct 2021.

It is reiterated that the Writ Petition does NOT RPT NOT in any way deem acceptance by TSEWA for equalisation once in Five Years as against the OROP on going case in Hon’ble Supreme Court where IESM has been seeking equalisation every year.

The WP filed by TSEWA seeks issuance of an appropriate Writ or Order or direction directing the GOI to implement para 3(v) of the Govt of India letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pol)-Part-II dated 07 Nov 2015 issued on the subject of OROP where equalisation is overdue as on 01 Jul 2019. TSEWA on behalf of all the Members sought GOI to take immediate steps to re-fix OROP w.e.f. 01.07.2019 and consequently disburse the same with arrears with immediate effect and issue any other appropriate Writ or Order Direction as the Hon’ble Court deems it appropriate in the facts and circumstances of the case to secure ends of Justice.

A complete list of Members who have subscribed to the case is placed in this Blog. There are some unreconciled amounts for want of UTR/Transfer details and the same will be corrected on receipt of relevant information from the Members. The details may be sent to Col G Parvathesam, General Secretary on e-mail ID:

Click here for the list of subscribers to this case.

Commissioned into the Indian Navy on 25 Mar 1970, an alumnus of Defence Services Staff College and College of Defence Management. Served in various ships for 9 years including commissioning of India's First Guided Missile Destroyer INS Rajput. Important shore appointments include Dy Naval Attache, Moscow, DS at CDM, Director Naval Plans, Principal Director Procurement at NHQ, Chief Staff Officer (LA&P) at ENC and HF at CDM. Took pre-mature retirement after 32 years service at the peak of career before the Promotion Board to the Flag Rank on compassionate Grounds. At Present totally dedicated to the Ex-Servicemen Welfare and is the President of East & South Zones of TSEWA


  1. Wg.cdr.v.sundaresan

    List of litigants in OROP CASE is not opening pl.advise.
    Tsewa 385
    Hope my name is there.

    September 11, 2021 Reply
    • Wg.cdr.v.sundaresan

      List of litigants ñot opening pl advise.

      September 11, 2021 Reply
    • Commodore Sudheer Parakala

      You have to download, save the file to your desktop for viewing the list. your name is at Serial 5 & 22.
      Cmde Sudheer Parakala
      President, TSEWA

      September 15, 2021 Reply

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