Minutes of the TSEWA Core Committee meeting held on 12 Dec 2020

Minutes of Virtual Meeting of the Core Committee of TSEWA  held at 1000 hrs on 12 Dec 2020


The following members attended:

  1. Brig CS Vidyasagar                 President, in Chair
  2. Cmde Sudheer Parakala        Vice President
  3. Col Dr GB Sethi                       General Secretary
  4. Brig SKS Rana, VSM              President,  Legal Division
  5. WO Thiruchelvam                  President TSEWA, Tamilnadu
  6. Cdr Chandra Shekhar            Head TSEWA Legal (Hyd)
  7. Lt Col Dr K Bhaskar Reddy  Member
  8. Maj Dr. B Bhikshapathy       Member
  9. Lt Col VRS Ramana Reddy  Member
  10. Mrs Rekha Sekhri                   Administrator, TSEWA Blog

The President welcomed all present in the meeting and thanked them for their efforts to attend the virtual meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.

Points of Discussion

Item No I.  ESM Problems of Admission in Service Hospitals/ Empanelled Hospitals: General Secretary informed that the representation submitted by TSEWA to Army Cdr, Southern Command has been acted upon and a letter was written on 19 Nov to MD ECHS to find solutions and reply within 30 days. A reply is expected by 19 Dec 2020.

Item No II.  Information on RTI:  Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd) was requested by Col Dr GB Sethi, Gen Secy about progress of his RTI application on progress of de-classification of OMJC report. Brig SKS Rana informed that the Min of Def (ESW) has 30 days from date of receipt of the application to reply.

Item No III.  Unwanted Mails in TSEWA Yahoo Group: General Secretary expressed his concern over flood of unwanted mails in the Group. Core Committee discussed the matter at length and requested the President to write a mail to all the Members of the New Google Group outlining the Do’s and Don’ts. Members indulging in sending irrelevant mail would be cautioned and if they do not mend their ways, the individual would be removed from the group. All Members are requested to strictly adhere to the norms and no greetings, opinions, Forwards on controversial issues other than the welfare of ESM should be posted in the Group.

Item No IV.  Madhuri Sewa Fund: Core Committee discussed the conditions proposed by Col Nagesh Gupta for utilizing the donations from Madhuri Sewa Fund. It is decided that TSEWA cannot accept the conditions proposed as TSEWA does not have sufficient staff to track the performance of each student funded by Madhuri Sewa Fund. The Chairman of the Charity Division was requested to write a suitable mail to Col Nagesh Gupta. It was also decided that it would be the Chairman of the Charity Division who would be responsible for  any interaction with donors pertaining to Charity.

Item No V.  Anomalies in Pensions of Hony N/Sub: President, Brig CS Vidyasagar explained the details of anomalies created by CGDS and opined that affected Veterans should file a case in the AFT Chennai. WO Thiru Chelvam may coordinate with affected persons from State of Tamilnadu. Services of WO Armugam practicing Advocate at HC and AFT Chennai may be contacted through Brig SKS Rana, VSM for filing the case.

Item No VI.  Entitlement of Private Ward for Hav ACP I: WO Thiruchelvam was advised to speak to Col Srikantha Seshadri with details of the case, after one week or so, as Col Srikantha Seshadri has undergone a cataract surgery recently.

Item No VII.  Progress of TSEWA Website Work: Mrs Rekha Sekhri asked about the progress of the work on the new website. Maj Dr. Bhikshapathy informed the Core Committee that there wasn’t much progress on the work because of non-availability of Mrs Rekha Sekhri due to health conditions of her husband and non-availability of Maj Dr. Bhikshapathy due to demise of his father. He assured that the work will progress from now onwards.

 Item No VIII.  Shifting of OA 34/2015. Brig SKS Rana, VSM, President of Legal Division has stated that due to the long delay and non-functional status of AFT Delhi, he intends to shift OA 34/2018 to AFT Lucknow where both the benches are fully functional.

Item No IX.  Financial Assistance to Ms YM Monika. The President Charity Division stated that Col Nagesh Gupta who earlier agreed to fund education of Ms YM Monika, D/O Hony Capt Mallesh who is doing her medicine degree, has now regretted his inability to fund her education. After prolonged discussion, the Core Committee approved a one-time grant of Rs.25,000/- to meet her immediate requirements. Brig SKS Rana, VSM volunteered to raise funds from his own sources and requested that an exclusive FD may be taken with all the donations arranged by him to meet the expenses of Tuition Fee/Hostel Fee till her medical course is completed.

Item No X.  Attendance of Core Committee Meetings by Outstation EC Members. The President expressed his concern that the attendance at the Core Committee Members is thinning in spite of the fact that it is a virtual meeting on 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. He welcomed the suggestion that a mail be written to all outstation EC Members/Presidents to attend the Meeting. Maj Dr Bhikshapathy was requested to send the meeting link to all out-station EC Members/Presidents two days prior to the meeting. The next meeting is scheduled to be held at 1000 hrs on Saturday the 28 Dec 2020.

Item No XI.  NCESMO – State Federations. The matter was discussed and it was decided that the President of TSEWA in his capacity as the VP of NCESMO write a mail requesting all TSEWA State Presidents to coordinate and form State Confederations as outlined in the approach paper.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 11:45 AM.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)

President, TSEWA

1 Comment

  1. Sir, If AFT (Delhi) is non functional due to shortage of staff, May I request Brig SKS Rana VSM, president of legal division to shift long out standing OA 1545/2016 HNS case to AFT LUCKNOW where two benches are functioning. As we all know there is no progress of the case since Feb 2020, since it is transfer to larger bench.

    December 19, 2020 Reply

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