Pre – 2006 Hony Nb Subedars to get pension of Nb Sub w.e.f. Jan 2006

The Govt of India, Min of Def vide their letter No: 1(13) / 2016 / D(Pen/Pol) dated 21 Feb 2020 has granted pension of Nb Sub to all Pre – 2006 Hony Nb Subedars with effect from Jan 2006.
The ibid letter is attached.
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  1. Hony Nb Sub Clk Basudev Ghimire

    Respected Sir, Jai Hind.
    1. In the Y Gp there are 2 types of post 2006/2016 retirees Hony Nb Sub. 1 is ACP Nb Sub 2nd is MACP who retired after 16 to 24 or 26 yrs service even not passed JCO cadre are getting pension equal to regular Nb Sub wef 01 Jan 2006. Rest of pre2006 retirees of Hav who had passed JCO cadre were considered for Hony Nb Sub before 01 Jan 2006. Sir, I staff duty Clerk put 27 yrs services including extra service in OP PRAKARAM 2002 in APS where 75% cat were in deputation from civil and rest of 25% of regular Army. I was in Med cat SHAPE1, Above average conduct and had passed JCO (Nb Sub/Clk) cadre well in adv but transferred me pension establishment on 01 Mar 2003. I am feeling more loss of length of service benefits where many other counterparts having same qualifications getting benefits of Hony Commission but my pen initially fixed 2275/~, then 2610/~, 6th CPC 5899/~, 7009/~ 7601/~ vide Cir 555 8783/~ Cir No 631 8330/~ and 7th CPC 22573/~ instead of 10415/~ in 6th CPC and Rs 26,767/~ in 7th CPC. You are requested to enlighten me what will be my correct pension for 27 yrs meritorious service in Army? for which I shall be ever thankful to you Sir.

    November 20, 2022 Reply
  2. A K Narayanan

    I have served 24yrs and 3days in B gp and retired on 31 Mar 1994 as Have later awarded to the rank of HNB. I did not get pension according to Circular 631 between 1.1.2006 to 30 Jun 2014. How to get the arrears of difference amt. Pl guide me. However I am getting 21653/- according to OROP 1.

    August 28, 2022 Reply
  3. Respected Sir, Jai Hind
    1. Relevant Column of Table of PCDA(P) Cir No 555 in respect of pre-2006 retirees oh Honorary Nb Sub wef 01 Jul 2014 should have been amended while issuing Circular No 631 but not yet replaced resulting disparity in service pension between pre-2006 and post-2006 retirees and Hony Nb Sub and regular Nb Sub is still s usual in the notification where the implementing authorities are in silence, Why not they are issuing clear instructions that pension will be equal to regular Nb Sub?
    2. I had served for 27 years services, had passed JCO cadre while in service but instead of regular Promotion Honorary rank of Nb Sub granted. Actually my target was not upto Hony Nb Sub but decision was in the hand with policy makers where I transferred to pension establishment at the age of 47 years instead of 52/54 years. A case for those who had been passed JCO cadre having above average grading in service record with medical cat SHAPE 1 should be initiated to get financial hardship of JCO cadre. Honorary rank is also giving to those who had not passed the JCO cadre. In officer cadre and Civil departments those who have been passed promotional examinations were got the promotional benefits.

    August 12, 2020 Reply
  4. Anupam Singh

    Dear Sir,
    Is this circular applicable to family or Sion and granting ER under this order.

    June 20, 2020 Reply
  5. Respected Sir, As I know that you have a case knowledge of tri services personal pension. Hare I am asked my query which is come to my mind:-
    As per PCDA Cir 631 the HNS pension has been revised wef 01012006 group wise table issued. As per the above Cir table pension of HNS wef 01012006, 01072009, 24092012 is same, and further Cir 555 has already been implemented as 8425/- and further improved by Cir 570.
    But my query is that as per Cir 547 and 568 the Pen of regular Nb Sub is 8330/- for go Y. It’s shows that the pension of HNS are equal to Regular Nb Sub as on 01012006. But as per Cir 430 the regular Nb Sub pen was enhanced 9382/- 24yrs Q.S. of gp Y but in the case of HNS as per Cir 631 has not been enhanced. So that I want to clarification from your side being an expert on the subject. Regards
    Hav Davinder Singh
    Mob 8076745211

    March 14, 2020 Reply
    • Veteran WO R.N.Thiruchelvam

      Dear Friend,
      Your Observation is very correct. Sincerely what is in the minds of the pension authority is not known. Not only for 24 years, but for the Q.S of 21 years to 28 years, the pension mentioned in the 631 tables are less than what is given in the 430 and 501 tables of regular Nb. Sub.
      Added to this there rare few more anomalies that needs to be clarified. A draft on the subject is placed before our TSEWA National President for his correction and comments.
      We will certainly focus this point to the concern please.
      With Warm Regards
      Veteran WO R.N.Thiruchelvam

      March 16, 2020 Reply
  6. Balkrishan Singh Guleria

    Actually it is very good news for H Nb Sub. But on other hand there is great loss to the individual. Because table show Rs. 8330/- wef. Jan 2006 to 30 JUN 2014. And it is applicable for 15 yrs service to 28 yrs of service. Length of service is completely ignored . What does this mean. It required rectification . Why Cir 430 & 501 both are quashed . Please through some light on the subject.

    March 5, 2020 Reply
    • Veteran WO R.N.Thiruchelvam

      Beloved Sir,
      It is true that Rs. 8330/- wef. Jan 2006 to 30 JUN 2014 is shown in the table and is for 15 yrs to 28 yrs of service.
      But one has to know that this Rs.8330/- is the highest pension then applicable to the Nb.Sub rank putup 33 years of Service. For lesser period of qualifying service, this amount was to be proportionately reduced based on service as in the circular 430. Please do see Circulars-430 & 429
      Extract from Circular – 549 given here for redy reference
      Service Pension of JCOs/OR has been revised w.e.f 1.07.2009, on the basis of recommendations of CSC {Cabinet Secretary’s Committee) -2009, @ 50% of the notional pay in the post 1.1.2006 revised pay structure corresponding to the maximum of pay scales applicable from 10.10.1997 for the rank and group continuously held for last 10 months preceding invalidment/discharge. The amount so determined shall be the pension for 33 years of reckonable qualifying service including rank weightage. This provision has been circulated vide this office Circular No.430 dt.10.03.2010 showing the revised pension rates w.e.f 1.7.2009.

      Later, based on the delinking 33 years of service for pension, vide Circular-568 the gov. had removed the 33 years bar and the reduction in pension proportionally on Qualifying service basis, thus the highest pension then applicable to the Nb.Sub rank putup 33 years of Service was given to all the Nb.Subs ignoring their length of service.
      Please do refer Extract from Circular-568
      One thing to be realized here is that, the MAX pension corresponding to the maximum of pay scales applicable to MAX service of 33 years is being given to even the min service holder of the same rank and group as shown in the chart and not the min pension is given to the max service holder.

      Further, You may note that the pension shown in the revised tables ( applicable for regular Nb. Subedars in the Circular-568) annexed to the letter under discussion is more than that of the Circulars-430 and 501 for the Rank of H Nb Sub. Hence the tables in the Circulars-430 and 501 related to the Rank of H Nb Sub are quashed

      March 6, 2020 Reply
  7. Veteran WO R.N.Thiruchelvam

    Beloved Friend!
    Read the letter carefully. The tables annexed to the said letter are only a fresh tables replacing the earlier tables meant for the rank of Hony Nb Sub published for implementation of GoI, MoD letter No. PC 10(1)/2009-D(Pen/Pol) dated 08.03.2010 (circulated vide Circular-430) and GoI, MoD letter No. 1(13)/2012/D(Pen/Policy) dated 17. 01.2013 (circulated vide Circular-501)
    Therefore the values shown in the first column isa applicable from 01.01.2006 to 30 Jun 2009
    The col 2 gives the pension value applicable from 01.07.2009 to 23 Sep 2012 and the Values under Col-3 are applicable fro 23 Sep 2012 to 30 Jun 2014
    The revised pension as per OROP Circular-555) will be applicable from 01.07.2014 to 31.12.2015 and
    later from 01.01.2016 the 7thn CPC is applicable where in the OROP pension is multiplied by 2.57.
    Hope you now understand the benefit of this letter to the H Nb Subs;

    March 5, 2020 Reply
  8. […] Source: TSEWA Click to read article at Source Pre – 2006 Hony Nb Subedars to get pension of Nb Sub w.e.f. Jan 2006 […]

    February 24, 2020 Reply
  9. Dear Sir,
    Whats benefit of this letter to the H NB Sub who’s revised pension was fixed as per OROP as 8425/ where as table showing its 8330/ then where the pension is equalised of pre 2006 & Post 2006 H NB Sub and ACP Nb Sub is equal

    February 23, 2020 Reply

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