The following members of Core Committee of TSEWA attended :
(a) Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd) – President
(b) Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) – Vice – President
(c) Col Dr GB Sethi (Retd) – General Secretary
(d) Lt Col G Parvathesam (Retd) – Treasurer
(e) Hony Capt B Joseph (Retd) – Joint Secretary
(f) Col MJ Ganapathy (Retd) – Member
(g) Lt Col N Ravi Chowdhary (Retd) – Legal Advisor
The President thanked all members for attending the meeting and then requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.
Points from General Secretary
India Today TV: Col Dr GB Sethi (Retd) the General Secretary informed that a veteran spoke to the President on 17 Oct 2018 and informed that India Today TV is interested to make a programme on plight of disabled soldiers. A representative of India Today TV Today sent an e-mail to the President informing that their company is interested to make a detailed programme on disabled soldiers and requested to give addresses of few disabled soldiers. The President gave details of the General Secretary who has all the information. The representative of India Today TV then spoke to the General Secretary and requested for addresses of few disabled soldiers whom the India Today TV would like to contact. The General Secretary then gave the e-mail id and mobile no of Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd) and asked him to get in touch with Brig Rana. The representative of India Today TV then spoke to Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd). It was suggested that few disabled soldiers who are members of TSEWA can be made to attend the TV programme and Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd) was found to be the best person to coordinate the TV programme. It was felt that Brig SKS Rana himself should participate in the TV programme to explain how TSEWA could get some relief to few disabled soldiers by going to AFT Delhi.
Formation of Punjab State Confederation of ESM Associations: General Secretary informed that Col Raghbir Singh, President, TSEWA, Punja sent a mail to the President stating that there are 21 district representatives in Punjab dealing with ESM activities. He has identified them. He suggested TSEWA should approach them to form Punjab State Confederation of ESM Organisation. He requested that he be sent a draft letter which he could send it under his name to initiate a programme by which after few months the Punjab State Confederation of ESM Organisations could be formed. The President then requested Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd), Vice President who authored the modified approach paper on National Confederation of ESM Organisations (NCESMO) to send a draft letter as desired by Col Raghbir Singh. Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) did the needful immediately. It is hoped with the dynamism and initiative displayed by Col Raghbir Singh, Punjab State could be the 12th member of NCESMO.
TSEWA Blog: Mrs Rekha Sekhri, Administrator of TSEWA Blog informed that since it appeared that the URL of TSEWA Blog was not secure, she succeeded in getting the SSL certificate for the site, so that it is now a secure site. Now the URL of TSEWA blog is https://www.tsewa.org like any secure web sites of banks etc. All members congratulated Mrs Rekha Sekhri for her tremendous zeal and dedication to the cause of TSEWA.
Point from Treasurer
Lt Col G Parvathesam (Retd) informed that our Chartered Accountant has already filed an on-line request to get an appointment with Commissioner of Income Tax (Exemptions) Hyderabad for getting 80(G) benefit to donors who donate to TSEWA for carrying out welfare activities. We have got all documents of charitable activities carried out in fin yr 2017 – 18 and fin yr 2018 – 19. We are hopeful that we will get a meeting with IT authorities soon and hopefully we will get 80(G) benefit to our donors by which they will get IT rebate for their donations to TSEWA.
Point from Gp Capt CRR Sastry, Joint Secretary
Concordance Tables for Pension Fixation by Notional Pay Method: Gp Capt CRR Sastry informed that there are a lot of mails from ESMs and family pensioners about Concordance tables for Notional Pay Fixation issued by Govt of India, Ministry of Defence. He is of the opinion that when pension for Pre – 2016 pensioners in Jan 2016 has been based on OROP and all the Pre – 2016 pensioners fixed the pension w.e.f. Jan 2016 with a simple formula of OROP x 2.57, it is not understood why now the Govt of India in Notional Pay Fixation method should take date of retirement as base year. Actually, the date of retirement should be base year 2013 as explained by the President in his presentation made few days back. He further added that DAD personnel simply got all the SAIs from 3rd CPC to 6th CPC and put the new pay scales together and took those figures them to Jan 2016 in fixing pension by the Notional Pay Method.
Lt Col Ravi Chowdhary (Retd) took out the Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter dated 05 Sep 2017 on Notional Pay method and proved that those Post – 2013 pensioners got higher pension by Notional Pay Method than 2.57 method. The same is given in the annexures for JCOs / OR and Officers.
Points from the President. The President informed that there is a merit in what Gp Capt CRR Sastry says that the Concordance tables have been made by getting the pay scales given in SAIs from 4th CPC to 6th CPC. He will carry out a sample check and come back with the results in the next meeting on 24 Oct 2018. The pension in Jan 2016 is based on OROP which takes the pension of all Pre – 2013 pensioners to be same as pension of all those who actually retired in calendar year 2013. Therefore, the base year for all pre – 2013 pensioners should be 2013. The date of actual date of retirement for Pre – 2013 pensioners has become irrelevant with sanction of OROP to them. The Government of India, Minsitry of Defence should have taken the base year as 2013 and transited the Notional pay to Jan 2016. Then only the Notional pay method will be beneficial to all Pre – 2013 pensioners.
Point from Lt Col N Ravi Chowdhary
BB-4: He informed that he sent legal notice already to the concerned officials of Ministry of Defence. He will file the case for getting broad banding benefit to all Pre – 2006 pensioners by end of Oct 2018 in Circuit bench Secunderabad of AFT Chennai.
Pension for Lady from Bhadrachalam: He informed that he took up a case for sanction of AGI benefit to wife of Sep Veeraiah of 17 Kumaon who was found missing since last 14 years. The AGI wants a blank cheque leaf to remit the money to her bank account. Hony Capt B Joseph, Joint Secretary informed that he has been to Bhadrachalam and met the manager of SBI, Bhadrachalam. He got all formalities completed and hopefully by end of Oct 2014, she will be issued with a cheque book. He deposited Rs 500 given to him by TSEWA to open a new bank account by which the customer can get cheque book facility. The lady had only zero balance account in the bank and is not authorized to get a cheque book.
There being no other point, the meeting was declared as closed.
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA