The following attended:
(a) Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd) President in Chair
(b) Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd)
(c) Col Dr GB Sethi (Retd)
(d) Lt Col G Parvatesam (Retd)
(e) Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd)
(f) Hony Capt B Joseph (Retd)
(g) Lt Col Dr K Bhaskar Reddy (Retd)
(h) Col VS Ramana Reddy (Retd)
(i) Lt Col N Ravi Chowdary In Attendance
The President welcomed all the present and requested the General Secretary to start the meeting with his points. The General Secretary projected the issues which are covered in the succeeding paras.
Points from General Secretary
Meeting at Tiruvannamalai: General Secretary talked about the mail sent Lt Col Ravi Chowdary mentioning that there are sizable number of applicants for Hony Nb Sub case (9B) and Hony Lt Case at Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu very close to Pondicherry and an active ESM supported by a Brig is available at that location. After thorough discussion it was decided that the General Secretary will write a letter to the Brig requesting him to organise a meeting all ESM in the area especially those willing to join as applicants in matter before AFT. Lt Col Ravi Chowdary agreed to give a draft for legal cases and further it was decided that Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) will speak on formation of Confederation of NCESMO in Tamilnadu while Lt Col Ravi Chowdary will explain the details of legal cases and obtain documentation from willing veterans.
Action to be taken by Col GB Sethi, Cmde Sudheer Parakala and Col N Ravi Chowdary Info: All
Clarity on Executive Committee (EC) and Core Committee (CC): General Secretary said that Mrs Rekha Sekhri has sought some clarity on the status and roles of EC and CC is required. President clarified that EC is the highest Decision-making body of TSEWA as per the Bye Laws. SEC consists of 18 members of which 11 are Outstation members. It is not possible for 11 outstation located at Gurgaon, Lucknow, Mumbai etc to attend periodical meetings, the Executive Committee constituted Core Committee to assist in making policies and implement them for welfare of members of TSEWA. The Core committee can only advise the Executive committee and their advice is not binding on Executive Committee. It has been decided earlier that the minutes of Core Committee meeting are put up in TSEWA blog and also in HQ NEC Yahoo Mail Group. The outstation members are expected to either support or oppose the recommendations of the Core Committee. It was also decided that in case no recommendation is received from the outstation members of the Executive Committee , it will be assumed that they have supported the recommendation. The CC has following Members:-
(a) Col VS Ramana Reddy (Retd)
(b) Col MJ Ganapathy (Retd)
(c) Lt Col Dr K Bhaskar Reddy (Retd)
(d) Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd)
(e) Cdr Chandrashekhar (Retd)
(f) Sgt Lawrence Joseph (Retd)
(g) Sub Maj Elia (Retd)
(h) Lt Col Vijay Salins (Retd)
The President further requested all outstation EC Members to peruse the Minutes of weekly meetings put up in the TSEWA Blog and also in HQ NEC Yahoo Mail Group and forward their comments on the discussions and decisions made there in. It was decided that in each Minutes the Members of EC will be requested to forward comments/ disagreements if any by Tuesday evening. If no comments/ disagreements are received by then, a mention to that effect will made as the first point of agenda in the next weekly meeting and the Minutes of Previous Weekly Meeting will be ratified.
Action to be taken by all EC Members & Mrs Sekhri Info: CC Members
Delay in Filing Legal Cases: General Secretary expressed his anguish at the inordinate delay in filing of cases before AFT leading to repeated queries from applicants. Often some applicants become rude leading to awkward situations. It was decided that Communication may drafted in cases where delay occurred and after vetting the same may be posted on the Blog and Web site of TSEWA.
Action to be taken by Gp Capt CRR Sastry Info: All
Points from General Secretary
Exemption under Sec 80 (G) of IT Act 1963: Treasurer informed that our Chartered Accountant tried to get a meeting with Commissioner of Income Tax (Exemptions), Hyderabad on 08 Oct 2018 but somehow the meeting could not be held. He is out of town and on return from the trip next week, he will obtain an appointment from the Income Tax Authorities to enable us to project our case seeking exemption under Sec 80 (G) of IT Act 1961.
Action to be taken by Treasurer Info: All
Points from others
Gp Capt CRR Sastry(Retd) informed that there was a query from an EME Veteran from Kerala if AFT 9A case is still required to be filed in view of the MoD letter on MACP making the scheme applicable from 1 Jan 2006 instead of 1 September 2008. He said that the Veteran is mixing up MACP with Hony Nb Sub case. After discussion it was decided that AFT 9 will be filed expeditiously.
Action to be taken by Gp Capt CRR Sastry Info: All
Membership Drive by Hony Capt B Joseph. He said that his trip to Meerut has been fruitful and he got 100 members enrolled. He also mentioned that he is proceeding to Bengaluru for lecture to Retirees from MEG & Centre, Bengaluru. He was requested to continue his enrolment efforts so that we may reach 10,000 mark and get a place on SCOVA of Pensioners.
Action to be taken by Hony Capt B Joseph Info: All
Registration of TSEWA with Ministry of PP&G. Lt Col Ravi Chowdary (Retd) informed that as soon as we reach 10,000 membership mark, TSEWA should register with Ministry of Personnel, Pensions & Public Grievances so that we get invited to quarterly meetings of SCOVA. This was agreed to by all members present.
Action to be taken by General Secretary Info: All
Case of Sqn Ldr SPC Mohan. The Air Veteran contacted Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd) who found that the veteran was being given pension only for the commissioned service and his service in ranks was entirely ignored. The CPPC did not act even after a Corr PPO with total service was issued by the PSA. Col VS Ramana Reddy (Retd) intervened with the help of HFO AV Reddy which yielded an assurance from AGM, CPPC, SBI that the arrears will be credited in the next Pension Payment cycle. The Air Veteran thanked TSEWA for the efforts.
Info: All
Points from the President
Posting of Irrelevant matter in Mail Groups. He said that frequently a few members do post irrelevant matter particularly concerning the taboo topics like Politics and Religion which lowers the image of the Group and irritates some. He went on to say that he was not happy using his powers as Administrator and remove the erring member from the Group as the strength of the mail Group is as such only a small fraction of the total membership and any punitive action will only make the situation further worse. He also stated that he removed one Officer was using offensive language in his mail against another member of TSEWA. Such erring member was removed from the mail group without even asking for his explanation. He recommended that he keeps posting mails in TSEWA Yahoo Mail Group not to post irrelevant mails which do not help ESMs and family pensioner in any manner. After thorough discussion, it was decided that every quarter a cautionary mail against “Posting of Irrelevant Content on TSEWA Mail Group” will be sent. It was also decided that persons who repeatedly default will be removed from the Group.
AFT 29 Presentation. Thereafter he made a detailed Presentation about the two methods of Fixing the Notional Pay of Pre-2013 Pensioners for determining their Pension in 7th CPC Regime. He has illustrated the Notional Pay Method and 2.57 Method for Pre – 2013 pensioners and calculated the loss for each at different lengths of service year wise if Notional pay method is not taken 2013 as base year in which OROP was sanctioned and all Pre – 2013 retirees have been notionally retired in calendar year 2013. He also mentioned that he has sent the details of Loss suffered by each petitioner to Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd) for briefing the Advocate in the matter.
There being no other points the meeting was closed at 11.30 am.
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)