The following members were present.
- Brig CS Vidyasagar President
- Cmde Sudheer Parakala Vice President & President South, East & West Zones
- Col Dr GB Sethi General Secretary
- Lt Col Parvathesam Treasurer
- Gp Capt CRR Sastry Joint Secretary 1
- H/ Capt B Joseph Joint Secretary 2
- H/ Capt MN Reddy President, TSEWA, Telangana
- Col MK Veeramani Head Charity Division
- Lt Col Ravi Chaudhary Legal Advisor
- Cdr SK Vasudeva Rao Legal Advisor
- Col MJ Ganapathy Member
- Lt Col K Srihari Member
- Cdr Chandrasekhar Member
- Col KL Rao Member
- 15 Lt Col VS Ramana Reddy Member
Opening the discussion President welcomed all the members and thanked them for coming for this meeting. He congratulated all since our membership has crossed 7400 members. He said that this was possible only due to the sincere hard work put in by many members.
Complimenting Members who are doing Wonderful Service
He first thanked and complimented Mrs Rekha Sekhri, Designer & Administrator of TSEWA Blog who is doing a wonderful and prompt job, due to which our Blog has crossed more than 4 Lakh hits in just one year. Our Blog has become very popular and is acting as Single Widow to know all the activities of TSEWA. If any Armed Forces Pensioner sees the TSEWA Blog most of his doubts would be cleared. This a very commendable job. He informed all about her promptness and the speed with which she rises to the occasion and completes putting any information on the blog with no delay.
Then he thanked and congratulated Col Dr GB Sethi, who is doing such a job which very few will be able to do. He not only helped TSEWA by giving his accommodation but also had spent a sizable amount to modify the same for our office use. He comes to the office at around 0900 hrs and stays till 1900 hrs daily for 6 days in a week, except for a short lunch break. He does so much of job about membership drive and other connected office work on AFT Cases.
Then he thanked H/Capt B Joseph and H/Capt MN Reddy, who are doing a wonderful job of increasing our membership drive and also helping TSEWA in receiving and seeing off all the outstation people whenever they come to Secunderabad .
Then he took the name of Cmde Sudheer Parakala, who as the Vice President & Zonal President of South, West and North Zones is doing a superb job. Now he has taken the responsibility of All India Co Coordinator for AFT 1B and is doing a very wonderful job.
Then he thanked all the members, who are doing a commendable job to put TSEWA in the National Map. Since many members outside Hyderabad are doing a selfless Service he is not able to take the names of all of them due to paucity of time.
Sequence of Conduct of Future Core Cum Executive Committee Meeting in Secunderabad
The President informed that when one member presented at 1130 hrs most of the members having spoken at length, got tired and lost interest. The Presenter having made so much effort deserve our attention. We learn from each other. Therefore he requested in future the sequence of conduct will be after making opening remarks, the President will request the presenter to make his presentation. All are requested to note down their points for discussion and there shall be no interventions by members so that presenter is able to concentrate on his presentation. This was agreed to by all members.
Presentation by the President on Revision of pension wef 01 Jan 2006 – AFT – 1B
President gave a very detailed presentation with the examples on Revision of Pension w.e.f 01 Jan 2006 to Jun 2014 of officers who retired prior to Jan 2006. He explained how Pre – 2006, 14 Maj Gens who filed similar case in AFT Delhi in Apr 2016 very swiftly got the Judgment in Feb 2017. This case is exactly same as our case AFT 1 (OA 34/2006) filed in Sep 2015 in AFT Delhi and still we did not get the judgment as number of our petitioners are 1049 including 250 impleaders.
The sum and substance of the presentation is:
Revised pension of Pre – 2006 pensioners with number of increments = Pension of those who retired in Jan 2006 with the same number of increments of pre – 2006 pensioners.
The arrears for 14 Maj Gens including one R Adm and one AVM will be paid from 01 Jan 2006 to Jun 2014. However the interest of 9% will be paid from the date the case was filed at AFT Delhi i.e. Apr 2016 The main reason for this very quick Judgment could be that these 14 Maj Gens filed 5 cases instead of one. On the contrary, since we did not have past experience, we had grouped 1,049 officers of Army, Navy and Airforce together in one case ie AFT 1. So MOD is asking for periodical adjournments, due to the enormous work to be done by them to examine the documents of so many officers. Since AFT Delhi has given the Judgment in favour of 14 Maj Gens and their equivalents, it becomes very easy for Brig AK Srivastava, VSM, our Advocate to ask for a similar Judgment in our case also. So President suggested that henceforth
(a) We should file cases with around 50 Petitioners in each batch. It could be even lesser
(b) We should file one batch for Army, Navy and IAF
(c) We should never mix these services
(d) We should never mix Officers, JCOs /OR.
However this point will be discussed with Brig SKS Rana VSM, by the Gen Secy over phone and he will be requested to discuss the same with Brig AK Srivastava VSM and will explain the position when he visits TSEWA on 03 Dec 2017 for the National Executive Committee meeting. Also it was brought out that, since Brig SKS Rana VSM is overloaded with legal cases, it was decided by Core Group, that President should discuss with Brig SKS Rana VSM and also with Col Ajit Singh Rana, so that Col Ajit Rana can take over some work load off Brig SKS Rana VSM. Also Brig SKS Rana VSM to find out some Navy and Airforce Officers, who can be link between TSEWA and Service HQs, etc. It was also decided that till 03 Dec 2017, all applications received for AFT 29 will be sent to Delhi for further processing.
President suggested that at least one case each should be given to Col Inderjit Singh, who won the 14 Maj Gen’s Case, Mrs Jyothi Singh who won Col Mukul Dev’s NFU case, and Maj Navdeep Singh of Chandigarh. Gen Secy was requested to speak to Brig SKS Rana VSM, who can talk to Brig AK Srivastava and Lt Col RK Tiwari in this respect. He also suggested that the lawyer who won the case of Sri MO Inasu, who is practicing at AFT Kochi can also be given one case. For this we should contact Lt Col Latif Vadakkayil to help us out. All these points can be discussed on 03 Dec 2017 meeting.
Action to be taken by Gen Secy, Brig SKS Rana VSM, Lt Col Latif Vadakayil, President, Col Ajit Singh Rana
Points from Gen Secy
Donation for TSEWA
Gen Secy gave the details of a few members, who had donated liberally but did not want their names to be spelt openly as per their desire.
All India Co ordinator (AIC ) for AFT – 1 B
The Committee appreciated the willingness of Cmde Sudheer Parakala to take on the duty of All India Coordinator for AFT -1B: Enhanced pension w.e.f Jan 2006 based on Last Pay drawn by Pre – 2006 Officers at the time of retirement . Cmde Sudheer Parakala is doing a very good job by involving himself for almost 10 to 12 hours daily for this work.
TSEWA Pamphlets in Regional languages
Gen Secy asked H/ Capt B Joseph, Joint Secretary, TSEWA about translation of our pamphlet in important regional languages. H/ Capt Joseph said the Pamphlets are available in English, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. He was asked to take the help of the members who can read and write regional languages like Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali and Punjabi and get the same translated. H/ Capt Joseph agreed to do the same at the earliest. He said he will take the help of other senior members who are well versed with such languages. His gesture was appreciated by all.
Allowing membership to Ex DSC, TA, Coast Guard Persons
Gen Secy said that some retired persons from DSC, TA and Coast Guard wanted to become members of TSEWA. He wanted to know whether they can become members or not. Gp Capt CRR Sastry informed that since DSC and embodied TA persons are Army Pensioners, they can become members. However Coast Guard comes under Home Ministry and not actual Navy Pensioners. This point will be put up in the next AGM and a decision will be taken from the Gen Body.
Action to be taken by Gen Secy, Treasurer, President, all members
Applying for membership of TSEWA as an ESM Organisation with GOI, Dept of Pension & Pensioner Welfare
Gen Secy read out the letter received from Govt of India, Dept of Pensions about the eligibility criterion to get recognition of the ministry as a Central Govt Pensioner Association. TSEWA meets all conditions except submission of IT returns for three years. All agreed to apply for the membership now itself. It may take some time before we get the approval for membership. Gp Capt CRR Sastry was requested to prepare the letter in this connection, which he has agreed to do so. The sincere helping nature of Gp Capt Sastry was very much appreciated by all. Gen Secy was requested to coordinate and do the needful.
The President informed that this recognition is to attend quarterly meetings held in Ministry of Personnel, Pensions and Public Grievances where in the Hon’ble Minister presides over the meeting. It is also known as SCOVA meeting. TSEWA should become member of SCOVA and also seek recognition from Ministry of Defence for which we need to have 10,000 members from all three services.
Action to be taken by. Gp Capt CRR Sastry, Gen Secy, President.
Requirement of Ink signed documents for filing cases with AFT
Gen Secy brought out that some of our members who are living abroad are finding it difficult to send Ink signed original documents to file cases in AFT. After some discussions, it was suggested that Lt Col Ravi Chaudhary, who is a practicing lawyer of AFT Chennai should find out the correct position and inform us in the next EC Meeting.
Action to be taken by Lt Col Ravi Chaudhary, Gen Secy
Financial Help to the family of Late Sub Ram Kishan Grewal
Gen Secy informed that Lt Col RR Chandra and some of his friends from USA wanted to extend financial help to the Smt Kitab Kaur, wife of Late Sub RK Grewal who had committed suicide due to non implementation of OROP. This point was discussed and majority of the members were of the opinion that if someone wants to extend help and give specific donation, we can take that and give the same to them. So Gen Secy and Treasurer were asked to give our Bank account number, so that they can transfer the money directly to our account. Depending upon their decision, the money can be given in one go or in monthly instalments. In the meantime Col Ajit Singh Rana can be asked to find out the ground realties, whether Late Sub Grewal’s family still needs any more financial help, since many persons and Government have given sufficient financial help to them. If that is the case, we can inform the donors that their money can be given to some other more deserving persons.
Action to be taken by Gen Secy, Treasurer, Lt Col RR Chandra.
Writing suffix of IC Number
Gen Secy said some of the Petitioners are asking whether suffix of their personal number has to be written or not in the legal documents. Some petitioners have written wrong suffix to their personal numbers and want to change it. He wanted to know whether this additional work is required to be taken or not. Gp Capt CRR Sastry explained the reason for introducing the suffixes in the initial days of computerization due to limited capacity of the hard disc. Now since this problem is not there, he feels there is no need to insist on this. Only Army and IAF have got suffixes to the personal nos, Navy may not be having it. It is left to the individuals. However the Prefix has to be written to find out whether he is an IC, or SS or SL, or SC, or MR or RVC officer of Army.
Action to be taken by Gen Secy
Next Full Fledged Executive Meeting on 03 Dec 2017
|General Secretary informed that President sent a mail to all members of Executive Committee that since we did not have finalized agenda for 03 Dec 2017 meeting it is better to post pone it to March 2018. President said that this meeting can be postponed. Gp Capt CRR Sastry was of the opinion that, such important meetings should not be postponed. He also asked whether Gen Secy has sent any email to the participants to forward their Agenda Points. He said he has 3 agenda points only. Gen Secy was asked to send immediately an e – mail to all the 13 EC members to forward their Agenda Points by 30 Nov 2017. Gen Secy also asked about including additional EC members like Brig Vinayak Ramnarayan, Lt Col Latif Vadakkayil etc. Col MK Veeramani suggested that local members should be more than outstation members so that during the normal EC meetings, any decision taken, is deemed to have been taken by majority of EC members. In any case all such decisions taken, will be ratified in the full fledged EC meeting. On a query how many can be max EC members, Gp Capt CRR Sastry said that as per our Bye Laws it can be Max 30, and min should be 6. It was decided that this point will be discussed on 03 Dec 2017 meeting and if required more EC members can be included.
The President informed that he sends a mail to all six outstation EC members seeking their views on any issue so that they are made to feel part of decision taking body.
Points from Treasurer
Up-gradation of Tally
Treasurer said that it was suggested that we should upgrade our Tally software. So he had contacted the local Tally representative through the help of Wg Cdr Ravishankar Iyer. The local representative of Tally agreed to come and upgrade the software. Treasurer wanted the approval of EC for this. Immediately EC gave the approval to spend the money for this purpose. President said asking approval of EC is not required if the financial outgo is within powers of Treasurer.
Action to be taken by Treasurer
Adjustment of Legal Fees Paid
Treasurer informed that he is getting requests from some members, that the legal fees paid by them for one AFT case should be adjusted for another case. Some of the members who had paid the legal fees for 33 years De-linking case, did not ask for refund all these 18 months. Now they want to transfer the money to another AFT case. Once an AFT case is closed, all the accounts under that head is closed. We cannot keep such accounts open for an indefinite period. Some of the members are asking to refund / adjust the legal fees paid during the last Financial Year when the Balance sheet is drawn. Also some members want to with draw after we had sent the case to Delhi and ask for refund of the legal fees. Also in spite of very clear instructions some members are sending the money through NEFT without giving any details. They send a mail, telling all information given in his e – mail. It is humanly impossible to locate one e – mail sent earlier by petitioner out of thousands of mails received. After some discussions it was decided that once the case is sent to Delhi and the Memo of Parties is prepared, no one is allowed to with draw. If any AFT account is closed, no refund can be given. If any money is sent through NEFT, no linking can be done and no action to be taken to search the source of that money.
At this stage, President informed that in his mail to the environment of AFT – 1B, he made the following points as given out by Treasurer:-
(a) Money sent as legal fees by NEFT will not be accepted.
(b) Legal fees will be accepted only if it sent as DD or cheque in favour of AFT – TSEWA.
(c) If request is received from petitioner of his withdrawal from the case before the papers are sent 10% of legal fees will be retained and balance 90% of legal fees will be refunded as TSEWA spends Rs 9 lakhs to run the office of TSEWA and every petitioner / member has to bear a part of this expenditure.
(d) No refund of legal fees is permissible if legal papers are sent to Delhi as we pay full legal fees to the Advocate.
Action to be taken by Treasurer, all concerned
Printing of Calendar of 2018
Lt Col N Ravi Chowdhary suggested that we should start the work to get the 2018 calendar printed now itself to distribute them by Dec 2017. This was agreed by all. President suggested we need not use expensive craft paper and the figures and letters are too small. He suggested the format of calendar of Telangana Dept of Sainik Welfare be used. H/Capt Joseph was asked to get the sample proof printed for the approval of EC soon. The approximate cost, the number of copies required, will be discussed at that time.
Action to be taken by H/ Capt Joseph
Shifting of office to a Bigger Place
Treasurer suggested that instead of having our office in two places, it is better to shift to some bigger place, so that all can sit in one place. It was suggested whether Col GB Sethi and Sri Anand Kumar can be accommodated at our office in the building of SBI Bhaskara Rao Nagar. If it is not possible, then we can look for a bigger accommodation.
Action to be taken by Treasurer, Gen Secy
Points from Head Charity Division
Col MK Veeramani, President Charity Division of TSEWA brought out that he and Lt Col G Parvathesam visited St Therasa’s Hospital, Secunderabad and interviewed one bed ridden patient, Mrs Chandrakala, who is suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, her husband, her father, the doctor who is treating her etc. The Charity Division got totally convinced that she deserves our financial help. This family is known to Lt Col G Parvathesam very well. They are from a very poor family with virtually no income. The cost of treatment per month comes to around Rs 10,000/-. The Charity Division had sanctioned Rs 25,000/- which is within their powers, and given the noting to the treasurer to make a cheque and hand over the same to her in the hospital. Her medical papers, photos taken in the hospital, her Aadhar Card, first page of her bank pass book etc have been handed over to the Treasurer.
Action to be taken by Treasurer
Col MK Veeramani and Col GB Sethi went to the house of one Ms Denuka, a tribal girl studying in 10th class in Government school. She is a National Level Archer. There they interviewed the girl, her coach, her mother, her elder sister, her elder brother etc. Her father is no more. Her mother is not working due to her ill health. Her elder sister got a seat in Govt quota and is in third year engineering. Having got the Govt seat, there is less expenditure for her education. They are very poor and also do not have sufficient money to give nutritious food for her to undergo the strenuous practice required in archery. They are staying in the rented house of their maternal grandfather. She practices daily for 2 hours after her school. On holidays, she spends around 6 hours in practice. Seeing her talent, interest, and dedication, her coach, Mr Arun Kumar who is an International archer and National Level Coach, has given his archery equipment and gives money for her food and is coaching her free of cost. He is very sure that given the required equipment, correct food, and the training, she can represent India. He is very confident of her performance. He had asked us for financial help. The minimum equipment required costs around Rs 3 lakhs. All these are imported from USA. This girl is known to Col GB Sethi. Col Veeramani spoke to Col Nagesh Gupta about her plight. Col Nagesh Gupta was magnanimous and accepted to give her Rs 50,000/- immediately and also give Rs 1000/- per month for her food for one year. The sincere gesture of Col Nagesh Gupta was very much appreciated by all and all thanked Col Nagesh Gupta profusely for his kind gesture.
Col MK Veeramani said that one equipment out of many costs around Rs 1,12,000/- So only with Rs 50,000/- no equipment can be purchased. The Charity Division strongly recommended Rs 60,000/- for the equipment from our Charity fund. Coach Mr Arun Kumar is having friends in USA ( who were also earlier archers) can buy the correct equipment and bring the same to India when they come, so that the customs duty @ 40% can be saved. Col Veeramani also said she has won more than 60 medals so far in various competitions.
After considering the deserving case, EC has sanctioned a sum Of Rs 60,000/- from TSEWA Charity fund. A noting to this effect was put up by Col MK Veeramani duly signed by the Charity Division, President. On behalf of EC, Gen Secy signed the noting and gave the same to the Treasurer for further necessary action. It was decided that at the time of handing over the cheque to the Coach and Ms Denuka, video will be taken and sent to Col Nagesh Gupta.
Action to be taken by Treasurer
MK Col Veeramani informed that when he, President Brig CS Vidyasagar, and Vice President Cmde Sudheer Parakala visited Villupuram, they met a widow with 8 children, whose husband a Hav died during Jan 2017. She is not getting Family Pension till now. Her one daughter had completed first year of MBA, but had to discontinue due to lack of money. Charity Division considered her plight and felt that she deserves our financial help. The Charity Division had strongly recommended financial help to the MBA student. Col Veeramani had asked H/ Capt Mark and Lt Col PN Krishnan,former President, TSEWA, Tamilnadu to get more details about this MBA student with her mark sheet, amount of money required to complete her second year. Even though she is staying out station in the hostel and studying, the hostel fees is generally not given by TSEWA. EC considered this case and felt that this girl deserves help and said that when the details are received, financial help will be given to her.
Col MK Veeramani had asked Lt Col PN Krishnan in Villipuram to help this family. Lt Col PN Krishnan has already taken action to get her Family pension from District Sainik Welfare Office, Villipuram, Record Office & PCDA(Pensions) Allahabad. He is very hopeful that within 3 months or so he will be able to get her Ordinary Family Pension. Col MK Veeramani had spoken to Col Jayaraj Naidu, OiC ECHS Villupuram, to get any job for one of her sons either at ECHS or through his contacts at Villipuram. Col Veeramani also said that he had spoken to Lt Col Nalla Thambi of Chennai, who is having a placement agency to get some job for one of her sons. He has agreed to do this.
President felt that to tide over her immediate financial crisis, Charity Division can consider helping her immediately with some money every month to run the house till her Ordinary Family Pension is sanctioned and she gets her pension in her bank. There is no need for Charity Division if financial outgo is less than their own powers of Rs 25,000 per transaction to seek permission form Executive Committee. The Charity Division can inform of such sanctions in the next EC meeting.
This was agreed by the Charity Division and a sum of Rs 25,000/- was sanctioned by the Charity Division to the widow of deceased Havildar of Villipuram and the Noting Sheet will be put up to the Treasurer soon to remit the sum.
Col MK Veeramani asked H/ Capt Joseph about the progress of the filing of FIR and getting a copy of FIR in r/o Sep Veeriah of 17 Kumaon, who was declared as a Deserter. His wife Mrs Padma came to TSEWA asking for help. Action can only be taken to get her PPO on getting a copy of FIR from civil police. A sum of Rs 5,000/- was handed over to her by H/ Capt Joseph. The details of the whole case is given by H/ Capt Joseph. The Charity Division considered her plight and felt that she deserves immediate financial support, and hence sanctioned Rs 25,000/-. A noting to this effect will be put up to the Treasurer soon.
Action to be taken by Col MK Veeramani, Cmde Sudheer Parakala, Lt Col PN Krishnan, Lt Col Nalla Thambi, H/ Capt Mark, Col Jayaraj Naidu
Points from Cmde Sudheer Parakala
Cmde Sudheer Parakala brought out a very valid point regarding asking all the petitioners of AFT 1B, to write a letter to the respective Service HQ in line with the draft given by Brig CS Vidyasagar, President, TSEWA. Many of the petitioners are asking him how to fill up the pension figures etc, since they do not know how to work out the same. He felt that some of the very Senior citizens of 80 years and above may not be able to draft the letter, get it typed, sign it, take it to the post office and send by Speed Post etc. After sending the letter they have to wait for a reasonable time before filing the case with AFT. This will delay the whole process.
Since the number of Petitioners of AFT – 1B, is more than 200 as on date (15 Nov 2017) , the work load is increasing exponentially. Also except the cases we filed 2 months back, such a letter was not sent to Service HQ and AFT has admitted around 30 cases of TSEWA so far. So he wanted to know the final ruling on this.
After some discussion, President and Gen Secy informed that of late, AFT is asking for such a letter. Brig SKS Rana VSM, has told that all petitioners need not enclose such letters but only 5 or 6 petitioners send such letters then it will meet the requirement of AFT Delhi. There is no need to wait for the reply of the Service HQ. President and Gen Secy said that they will arrange to get this letters from some litigants of Army, Navy & Air Force. Therefore, Cmde Sudheer Parakala need not have to worry about this.
Gp Capt CRR Sastry after reading out relevant paragraphs of AFT Rules 2007 felt that there is a need to send such a representation in only few cases like NA – NA of disabled soldiers who are empowered to challenge the decision with Appellate authority or Court martials where the petitioner has to take some follow up action after a decision is given by the competent authority. In the case of AFT – 1B, he felt there is no need to send such representation to the Service HQ.
Action to be taken by President, Gen Secy, Cmde Sudheer Parakala
Points from H/ Capt Joseph
H/ Capt Joseph said that he has come across a poor civilian, who had lost his legs in an accident. So he needs artificial legs. It costs around Rs 40,000/-. He wanted TSEWA to help him. Col MK Veeramani told him that the procedure for such financial help has been explained a number of times. The two Videos of Ms Sandhya and Ms Aishwarya clearly give the detailed procedure. Anyone who wants the Charity Division to help, should follow the same procedure and put up the case to the Charity Division, who will consider this request and take appropriate action.
Col MK Veeramani informed that he received some applications for financial assistance and he wants to be told as to how to proceed further. The President suggested that slowly ESMs and veernaris and also civilians are coming to know of the charitable activities of TSEWA. Therefore they send such letters to Charity Division. The Charity division can meet such people if they are not far off from Hyderabad and satisfy themselves whether they deserve any financial assistance. In case the applications have come from states, then the State President of TSEWA can take appropriate action.
Action to be taken by H/ Capt Joseph, Charity Division
ESM Rally at AOC Centre
H/Capt Joseph and H/ Capt M Narasimha Reddy attended the ESM Rally at AOC Centre on Sunday, 12 Dec 2017. . At that time he took the opportunity, met the GOC Dakshin Bharat Area and requested him to arrange for a function hall for the ESMs at Secunderabad. His request was well taken by the GOC Dakshin Bharat Area and he had asked Sub Area Cmdr to look into this aspect. So H/ Capt Joseph wanted President, Gen Secy to send a representation from TSEWA as a follow up action. President agreed and asked Gen Secy to get an appointment from GOC Telangana & Andhra Sub Area so that President, Gen Secy, and H/ Capt Joseph can go and meet him.
Action to be taken by Gen Secy, President, H/ Capt Joseph, H/ Capt MN Reddy
Progress on all AFT Cases
President, Gen Secy etc checked up each and every AFT Case which are in the pipe line and not yet filed. There are only less than 20 petitioners and it is not economically viable to file such cases. After thorough review, all those cases which can be dropped are recommended to be dropped due to inadequate number of petitioners. The final list will be put up in our Blog. The petitioners will be refunded 90% of their legal fees.
Action to be taken by Gen Secy, Mrs Rekha Sekhri
There being no other point, President thanked all and the meeting was declared as closed.