TSEWA Blog – Another milestone

Dear Members of TSEWA,

We are extremely happy to announce that TSEWA Blog has achieved a remarkable milestone of getting 3 lakh hits in less than one year. This is due to extreme hard work, utmost devotion and unmatched dedication put in by Smt Rekha Sekhri (wife of Lt Col Raj Sekhri, Gorkhas and SS – 1 Course) who designed the blog, got it uploaded and is administering flawlessly. Under her dynamic leadership, the TSEWA Blog has become very popular as it is user friendly. Without any computer knowledge one can get maximum benefit from the Blog. URL is www. tsewa.org. It is open to all. No need to register get user id and pass word. Just type the URL and visit the TSEWA blog.

TSEWA Blog has become Encyclopaedia Britannica for ESM issues. You want anything, it is put up next day.

There is need to curtail e-mail traffic. It wastes lot of time of office bearers of TSEWA. I have few suggestions to this end.

We need to make TSEWA Blog as the single window for all queries and information pertaining to veterans & single ladies and all activities of TSEWA shall be put up. As you know TSEWA Blog is open to all (including civilians).

For Brig SKS Rana, VSM, Head Legal Divison only: Kindly put up all issues of legal cases in TSEWA Blog. The issues are (a) Final list of memo of parties of each legal case (b) Fortnightly progress of status of legal cases filed in AFT Delhi (c) Judgment as and when received (d) Action to be taken by petitioner in case his legal documents are not in order (e) Any shortcoming or mistakes notices and advisory to the petitioners (f) Any other issue of interest to the veteran community on any subject dealt by TSEWA.

For Col Dr GB Sethi, General Secretary only: (a) Membership No given to the new members on fortnightly basis (b) Serial no of memo of parties of petitioner when he forwards his legal documents as and when received from All India Coordinator (c) Intimation regarding despatch of legal documents to Brig SKS Rana, VSM (d) Membership data base to show only membership no, rank, name (other details like mobile no and e-mail id be not shown as these may cause nuisance to members from unwanted callers if these are given out) (e) Issues connected with Annual or Extra Ordinary General Body meeting (f) Any other issue of TSEWA considered appropriate for dissemination to all.

Presidents of Zones, States and Districts only: Any achievement such as getting correct pension, getting arrears, letters written to CPPCs, Record Offices, Service HQs etc.

For Lt Col Latif Vadakkayil and JWO Milan Das:  Your achievements have become legendary. You two are the most sought after personnel in TSEWA. All your achievements with particulars of beneficiaries be sent to Smt Rekha Sekhri for putting up in  TSEWA Blog.

President only: (a) All clarification on any doubt or issue pertaining to the veteran community (b) Latest letters received from Govt of India affecting pay and arrears (like letters of Min of Def (ESW) dated 4 Sep and 5 Sep 2017) (c) Working out of arrears of legal cases on receipt of copy of judgment of AFT (d) Recommendations submitted to any organisation on pensions and arrears (e) Sensitising environment of possible legal case likely to be filled in AFTs once the same is cleared by our advocates (f) Legal brief to be submitted to Brig SKS Rana, VSM to seek legal opinion from our two advocates of AFT Delhi whether the proposed case is sustainable (g) Minutes of meeting of Core Committee cum Executive Committee meeting held bi-monthly on every First and Third Wednesday (h) Visit report on Awareness camps held anywhere in India (j) Commendation received from beneficiaries who received some benefit due to intervention of TSEWA (k) All actions on grievances projected by veterans and single ladies undertaken by TSEWA with services HQ, CGDA, PSAs, CPPCs of Banks, Record Offices etc (l) Advisories from time to time on actions to be taken by veterans and family pensioners such as linking Aadhaar card with bank account or linking of PAN card no with Aadhaar etc (m) Procedure to get date of birth of spouse endorsed in Corr PPO (n) Procedure to get dependent pension to unmarried  / divorced / widowed daughter or handicapped child. The list is endless.

Henceforth I will not be giving any clarification or take any action if I get a request through e-mail, SMS, Facebook post , Whatsapp chat. All those who seek my explanation or clarification are requested to kindly put up your request in TSEWA Blog and I will immediately give reply. Similarly if I receive any request or seek clarification, I shall put up the same in TSEWA Blog.

All members are requested to popularize TSEWA Blog so that by end of financial year 2018 – 19 we shall have one million hits. The way our TSEWA Blog is becoming so popular, this target is not big.

Warm regards,

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)


1 Comment

  1. DEAR SIR,

    July 28, 2020 Reply

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