Brig SKS Rana, VSM, Head Legal Division TSEWA informed me that due to heavy work load, the AFT Delhi will give certified copy of judgment delivered on 30 Aug 2017 in our favour in BB – 2 (OA – 1677/2016) after about week or 10 days.
Once the certified copy comes it will be put up in our TSEWA Blog. All are required to see the TSEWA Blog ( and not to keep sending reminders to me or to HQ TSEWA.
Regarding further action, our advocate Brig Anil Srivastava, VSM may send a copy of court judgment as and when received to all Service HQs and Record Officers of the JCOs /OR requesting them to release arrears as specified in the judgment otherwise penal interest will be levied.
The whole process of getting approval from Army HQ, PS Directorate, issue of Corr PPO by PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad for arrears and new disability element as per Broad Banding policy will take anytime between 3 months to 9 months.
Please do not send reminders that you have not got arrears. Any work in Army HQ takes time as they have to get financial concurrence from Min of Def (Fin ) for payment of huge arrears which as per my rough estimate for 153 petitioners will be around Rs 10 crores or even may be more.
The duty of TSEWA is over once we put up a copy of judgment in our TSEWA Blog. Rest of the work to get arrears has to be done by individual petitioner as TSEWA has no locus standi in this case.
I will request Brig Vinayak Ramnarayan, VSM to put in a word to Lt Gen Milan Naidu former VCOAS and one of the petitioners to use his influence to get sanction from ADGPS at the earliest for all 153 petitioners.
Warm regards,
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)