Notice is hereby given to all members of TRI SERVICES EX SERVICEMEN WELFARE ASSOCIATION (TSEWA) for conduct of “AN EXTRA ORDINARY GENERAL BODY MEETING” at 1000 hrs on Sunday, 27th August 2017 at Community Hall, AWHO Ved Vihar, Military farm Road, Subhash Nagar, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad – 500015.
Following Agenda Points will be taken up:-
- Appointment of Auditor M/s PS Reddy&Associates, Chartered Accountants in place of M/s. Badrinadh & Associates, Chartered Accountants, who after being appointed as Auditors by the Annual General Body held on 25th June 2017 has declined to take up the appointment.
- Any other point with the permission of the chair.
Col. Dr. GB Sethi (Retd)
General Secretary, TSEWA
Membership No.-58
All members through e-mail /SMS / TSEWA Blog & TSEWA web Site
Registrar of Societies, Hyderabad
Minutes Register & File Copy
Notice Board
Please note that:-
- If there is no quorum till 1000 hrs. The meeting will be adjourned for 30 minutes. Following that, the meeting will be held & conducted irrespective of whether there is quorum or not.
- Only members of TSEWA are eligible to attend & participate in the meeting according to the Bye-Laws of the Association. No proxy attendance or voting will be allowed.