Dear Members of AFT 12,
As already updated, AFT 12 had been filed in AFT and was allotted OA no 276/2017.
As a matter of interest you may, if you wish to, read a judgement of a similar case by going to the AFT website at and select ‘Judgements’ tag on its home page. Then type OA 474/2016. (Sqn Ldr Jai Kumar (Retd.) & Ors. (Petitioner) v/s UOI & Ors. (Petitioner) {The Case is attached)
The judgement (for the applicants with more than 21 yrs commissioned service and pre-1996 retirees ) is in favour of the applicants and the orders were to grant them pension of Lt Col or Equivalent, with arrears upto 3 years from date of filing of the case, with 9% interest.
I am posting this in response to may queries from members as to what could be the outcome of AFT 12 .
I hope this would inspire confidence in the members who have reposed their trust and faith on TSEWA.
Have a colourful and Happy Holi!!!
Best wishes.
Major PM Goswami (Retd)
TSEWA 0127
All India Coordinator, AFT 12