Ms Madhurima Rao is the daughter of (Late) Nk Satyanarayana Rao of Madras Sappers. Nk S Rao passed away in Feb 1999 in the Paraplegic Rehabilitation Home in Pune, as a quadriplegic, due to a peace time injury. He left behind his young wife, Smt B Jayanthi and two year old daughter, Madhurima.
Mrs Jayanthi does not own any property and is surviving only on her meagre pension of Rs 20,000. With great difficulty and personal sacrifice, she brought up her daughter Madhurima who is now pursuing Management studies in Symbiosis Institute of Management. The mother and daughter are staying in a rented accommodation paying a rental of Rs 12000/-. Due to Covid 19, Mrs Jayanthi Rao who had a small job which was paying a pittance, has also lost her job
They managed to pay the fees for the first two semesters by borrowing from friends, relatives, and selling the few ornaments they had in their possession. The fee for the 3rd semester is due by June 2021.The fourth semester fees also will need to be paid. An education loan is not possible as they have no collateral security available to be given to the Bank.
This pitiful case was brought to the notice of TSEWA by Brig PT Gangadharan (Retd) of the Brigade of Guards. Brig CS Vidyasagar wrote an impassioned email to the TSEWA group asking for financial aid for the education of Ms Madhurima.
There was an immediate and spontaneous outpouring of generous donations from large-hearted TSEWA members who immediately opened their hearts and wallets. A total of approximately Rs 7,50,000/- has been raised which will ensure that Madhurima can complete her management course at Symbiosis Institute of Management.
Below is a letter sent by her, thanking all her well wishers and donors.
Mail received on Sunday, 28 March, 2021, 12:19:31 pm IST, madhurima rao <> :
Dear Sir,
I am Ms Madhurima Rao, daughter of (Late) Spr B Satyanarayan Rao and Smt Jayanti Rao. Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd), President, TSEWA conveyed to members of TSEWA about our financial condition and help required to pay college fees for my final year MBA. A number of kindest donors have contributed directly into my mother’s bank account. Any amount of thanks is not adequate to convey our gratitude to each one of them. I am conveying our gratitude to each of them through emails and SMS. I am also speaking to them personally to convey my huge thanks to each of the members who opened their hearts to us.
My mother took a loan of Rs 3 lakhs and sold all her ornaments to pay for my first year college fees of MBA. Having lost her job due to Covid – 19, she did not know how to pay for my final year college fees. We have no property to pledge to get an educational loan from any banks.
She knew only Brig PT Gangadharan who was kind enough to approach TSEWA.
With the contributions we received from members of TSEWA, she repaid the loan of 3 lakhs to our relatives through NEFT who were kind enough to help us to pay my first year college fees of MBA. With help from TSEWA members, we are now in a position to pay the second year college fees.
I can never forget the help given to us from Brig PT Gangadharan who was our only source of help. We also cannot forget the magnanimity of members of TSEWA who sent their contributions. We are overwhelmed by the concern and kindness all of the members of TSEWA shown to us. I am proud to be a daughter of a soldier. This kind of help required by a God Forsaken Family only comes from our soldier community.
I owe special debt of gratitude to Brig Dr RS Grewal, former Comdt, MEG & Centre who has brought our case to notice of senior officers of Madras Sappers who are also helping us.
My mother intends to become a member of TSEWA. If and when I am in a position to help children of soldiers like I was, I will be very happy to do so.
My mother toiled for 20 years to look after my ailing father in Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Kirkee, Pune and undaunted by our financial position, she insisted that I do MBA for a bright future. It is my duty to look after my mother henceforth.
I need your blessings for a bright future.
I thank profusely the office bearers of TSEWA who supported our cause.
Madhurima Rao