Minutes of Virtual TSEWA Core Committee Meeting held at 1000 hrs on 10 April 2021

The following members attended:

1 Brig CS Vidyasagar President
2 Cmde Sudhir Parakala Vice President
3 Col Dr GB Sethi General Secretary
4 Lt Col G Parvathesam Treasurer
5 Hony Capt B Joseph Joint Secretary
6 Col Ajit Singh Rana President, TSEWA (North Zone)
7 Col Srikatha Seshadri President, TSEWA (Karnataka)
8 Maj Gen SN Mukherjee President TSEWA, West Bengal
9 Cmde Kuldip Sandhu President, TSEWA (Maharashtra)
10 Cmde Kuldip Sandhu President, TSEWA (Mumbai Metro)
11 Cdr Chandra Shekhar TSEWA (Hyd), Legal
12 Hony Capt MN Reddy President, TSEWA (Telangana)
13 Lt Col Dr K Bhaskar Reddy Member
14 Maj Dr B Bhikshapathy Member
15 Mrs Rekha Sekhri Member
16 Lt Col Ravi Chaudhary TSEWA Advocate


The President welcomed all present in the meeting and thanked them for their efforts to attend the virtual meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings.

Points of Discussion

Item No. I – OROP Case: President informed that TSEWA Office has sent him an affidavit of case filed by Wg Cdr Atri in Honourable High Court of Bengaluru, requesting for the following:-

(a) Declassification of OMJC Report
(b) Implementation of OROP 2018

Wg Cdr Atri, as per mail of Wg Cdr Gouripathi, has requested other veterans to consider filing a case on similar lines with honourable High Courts in their area of jurisdiction. The Core Committee discussed the issue at length with all pros and cons. The majority view is TSEWA should file a similar case in Hon’ble High Court of Hyderabad with Brig CS Vidyasagar being President be the lead petitioner. Thereafter, Lt Col Ravi Chaudhary, practicing advocate in the high court was requested to give his views. He suggested that it is a fit case. He further stated that if lead petitioner is from Telangana other members of TSEWA wherever they are located can become co-petitioners.

Decision: After detailed discussion on the subject and considering the legal advice by Lt Col Ravi Chaudhary, the Core Committee decided to file the case in High Court, Hyderabad, with Brig CS Vidyasagar as lead petitioner and request TSEWA members to join the case as litigants by sharing the legal fees. President TSEWA was requested to write a suitable appeal letter to the Members requesting for donations to file the case.

Item No. II – TSEWA Office Building: Cmde Sudheer Parakala intimated the details house/ land/ apartments surveyed by the Committee headed by him and requested to take an early decision on the subject, to avoid increased rate for the accommodation. He informed that the Committee deliberated the issue at length and opined that a commercial place of 800-1000 sft area may be looked for at a cost not exceeding Rs.40.00 lakhs in an area within 5 kms radius of Sainikpuri. Alternatively explore the possibility of purchasing about 100 sq yds plot within about 20.00 lakhs so that an independent building could be constructed by TSEWA.

Decision: Core Committee requested to pursue as above and enter into a contract with the owner/ builder by giving required advance from the donations received so far for the purpose and balance of amount to be paid as a loan to be obtained from TSEWA Corpus Fund.

Item No. III – TSEWA Madhuri Seva Fund: Cmde Sudheer Parakala has explained that Col Nagesh Gupta has sent an amount of Rs 56,840/- against the third set of proposals sent by TSEWA Charity Committee for six children. This makes it approximately Rs.5:00 lakhs advanced to TSEWA from Madhuri Seva Fund.

Item No. IV – Errors in Date of Birth (DOB) of Spouses in ePPOs of Naval Veterans: Cmde Sandhu, President TSEWA, Mumbai Metro informed that the case about erroneous DOB of spouses in ePPOs issued by PCDA(Navy) was taken up with the NAVPEN and stated that NAVPEN would be issuing a clarification on this soon.

Item No V – Writing a letter to Justice Dr Chandarachud about Abnormal Delay in Adjudicating the OROP case in Hon’ble Supreme Court (HSC): Col Dr Sethi informed that the OROP case filed by IESM in HSC is being abnormally delayed on one reason or the other. He volunteered to write a letter to Justice Dr Chandrachud requesting him to expedite adjudication of the case if his letter is not regarded as Contempt of Case. Lt Col N Ravi Chaudhary, advocate in Hon’ble High court of Hyderabad was requested to give a draft letter to Col Dr GB Sethi.

Decision. Lt Col N Ravi Chaudhary to kindly give a draft letter to be addressed to the Chief Justice of India to Col Dr GB Sethi at his earliest convenience.

Brig CS Vidyasagar appreciated the efforts of Charity Division of TSEWA, once again, for providing the selfless services to deserving people. He further added that all TSEWA executives are very senior in age/ service and serving the organization devotedly. He has requested all to be more cautious in expressing their views and shall not hurt feelings of others who have done lot of good work for TSEWA.

There being no further points, the meeting was closed at 12:10 PM and it was decided to hold the next Core Committee Meeting at 1000 hrs on 24 Apr 2021.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA