Draft Representation to Service HQ to Refix Pension in Jan 2006 Corresponding to Your Last Drawn Pay Prior to Jan 2006
Dear Members of AFT 1-B Case of TSEWA,
- Of late the AFTs are insisting that you, as a petitioner, must project your grievance to your higher HQ. If they do not reply to your grievance or do not redress your grievance, then you are at liberty to approach AFTs for justice.
- If you see the letters of Govt of India, Ministry of Def for Pre – 2006 Hony Nb Subs to get pension of Nb Sub or Pre – 2016 or Disabled soldiers who are declared Not Attributable or Not Aggravated to / by military service (NA – NA) the theme song of MOD has been “Go to AFT and get judgment in your favour. We will not drag you to hon’ble Supreme Court”.
- Since this is the attitude of the Min of Def, it is incumbent on us to ensure we do not give any scope to the ministry to wriggle out of their commitment. If we get a favourable judgment from AFT, then Min of Def is duty bound to implement.
- I am giving a sample application for all petitioners of AFT – 1B to be sent your Service HQ asking for them to redress your grievance. You do not have to wait for decade to get a reply from Service HQ. You know a standard reply from a Lt Col in MP 5/6: “Sir, Your pension in Jan 2006 has been fixed as per SAI 2/S/2008 hence it cannot be enhanced as the policy of the Government of India has been to fix pension of Pre – 2006 pensioners at Minimum of pay of their rank”.
- Kindly forward you office copy of your application sent to your service Hq to Cmde Sudheer Parkala, All India Coordinator when you send your legal documents to him when you join AFT – 1B case.
Warm regards,
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)
Draft Letter Addressed to Service HQ
IC – 27563 K Major Chintamani Sivasankar Vidyasagar (Rtd)
Flat No: 442, Lift No: 6
Manasarovar Heights- 1
Manovikas Nagar (PO)
Secunderabad – 500009
e-mail id: csvidyasagar@gmail.com
mobile no: 9493191380
Land line No: 040-48540895
The Chief of Army Staff
South Block
New Delhi – 11
Redressal of Grievance of Fixation of Pension w.e.f. Jan 2006
Respected Sir,
- I have the honour to state that I was commissioned in Bombay Sappers (Corps of Engineers) on 24 Dec 1972 and served the Indian Army in various appointments to the best of my ability. I got superannuated on 31 Mar 2004 after putting memorable 32 years of service.
- I was promoted as Major in Dec 1985 and continued to be in the same rank till I superannuated on 31 Mar 2004. My last pay was Rs 15,825 in the pay scale of Rs 11600 – 325 – 14850 with 13 increments including 3 stagnation increments.
- But my pension has been fixed at Rs 18205 in Jan 2006 which was based on Minimum pay of Major. My last pay was Rs 15,825 where as my pension has been fixed as if my last pay was only Rs 11,600 with no increment on Jan 2006. This is less than pension of Capts who retired in Jan 2006.
- This happened because my 13 increments in my last rank have not been taken into consideration. My pension for last drawn pay of Rs 15,825 corresponds to Rs 44,270 in 6thCPC vide SAI 2/S/2008. My pension would therefore be Rs 0.50 x 44270 = Rs 22,135 + DR (Dearness Relief) for every six months from Jan 2006 to Jun 2014.
- I therefore request you, Sir, to kindly refix my pension in 6thCPC of Rs 22135 corresponding to my last pay drawn of Rs 15,825 in 5th CPC and arrange to pay me arrears for the period Jan 2006 to Jun 2014.
- I request you to kindly expedite my case and get sanction of Government of India, Ministry of Defence to fix my pension in 6thCPC at Rs 22,135 corresponding to my last drawn pay of Rs 15,825 of 5th CPC. Thereafter I request you to issue instructions to PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad to generate Corrigendum PPO to fix my revised pension w.e.f Jan 2006.
- I would humbly request you to issue suitable instructions to dealing directorate in Army HQ to process my case. I am a senior citizen and I deserve an early disposal of my case. In case you are unable to refix my pension in 6thCPC, then may I request you to reply to me within 15 days citing reasons for the same so that I can approach AFT Delhi to get justice.
Thanking you,
(Major CS Vidyasagar, Rtd)
IC – 27563K
Place : Secunderabad – 500009
Date : 14 November 2017