AFT 28 (5CPC Anomaly on Pay Scale of Majors& Equivalents etc)
This update is to inform all applicants and members that registration for the AFT case 28 (as described above) is now closed. as on 8 Sep 2017. The total number of applicants who have sent their consent and details to join the case is 106.
The list has been submitted to Gen Secy TSEWA for the preparation of Memo of Parties and preliminary checks. This would be followed up by, detailed checks of each document of each applicant, reconciliation of Legal Fee payment and TSEWA no etc.
Based on our experience of handling such large number of applicants for a single case, it is estimated that the checking process and finalization of Legal Brief, will take 15~20 days. After this the pre-filing process at TSEWA office will be finalized and sent to Legal Cell at Gurgaon, for third level checks.
The case filing sequence/schedule will be allotted by Gen Secy, TSEWA based on the listed priorities and number of cases already in ‘pipeline’ awaiting filing at AFT, PB, Delhi