Minutes of TSEWA Executive Committee Meeting held on 5th December 2018 at 143 Vayupuri, Secunderabad 

The following attended:

1 Brig CS Vidyasagar President in Chair
2 Cmde Sudheer Parakala  (Retd) In Attendance
3 Col (Dr) GB Sethi  (Retd) In Attendance
4 Lt Col G Parvatesam  (Retd) In Attendance
5 Gp Capt CRR Sastry  (Retd) In Attendance
6 Col MJ Ganapathy  (Retd) In Attendance
7 Col N Sitharamaiah  (Retd) In Attendance
8 Lt Col Vijay Salins  (Retd) In Attendance
9 Maj B Bikshapathy  (Retd) In Attendance
10 H/Capt B Joseph  (Retd)) In Attendance
11 H/Capt MN Reddy  (Retd) In Attendance
12 Lt Col N Ravi Chowdary  (Retd) In Attendance


The President welcomed all present and requested General Secretary to speak on his points:

Points from General Secretary

National Confederation of ESM Organisations (NCESMO) Progress: The General Secretary said that there is a general appreciation from ESM and ESM Organisations for the meeting of NCESMO delegation with Hon’ble Raksha Mantri on 27 Nov 2018. A lot of hope is being built on the positive out comes from the initiative of unifying the ESM Organisations all over India.

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Dissent on NCESMO: Col Raghubir Singh has initiated a conversation criticising the exclusion of a large ESMO on the plea that they are politically affiliated. Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) said that any organisation that is openly aligned with a political party may be treated as a political out fit and the Ministry of Defence may not engage with such ESMOs for consultative meetings. Hence excluding the politically aligned ESMOs is essential if the NCESMO is to achieve its avowed aims.

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AFT 28Incorrect fixation of basic pay of Majors as on Jan 1996: Intimation was received from our advocate in AFT Delhi that the documents for this case were filed in the Principal Bench of AFT on 4th December 2018. Now the documents will be scrutinised by the AFT Staff before the case is heard for admission.

Military Service Pay (MSP) for Those who were in Service in the Period Jan 2006 to 31 Aug 2008: The plea from certain quarters for payment of Military Service Pay (MSP) from 1 Jan 2006 instead of 01 Sept 2008 was accepted for filing in AFT Chennai and AFT Jaipur. Therefore, it appears that there is a fit case for filing applications in the matter.

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Points of Lt Col G Parvathesam (Retd),Treasurer.

Assistance to the family of Late Col MK Veeramani: Mr Akshayadeep, younger son of (late) Col MK Veeramani accompanied by Gp Capt CRR Sastry and Lt Col G Parvathesam from TSEWA visited the Oriental Commerce Bank, Sikh Road, Secunderabad on 30th November 2018 and submitted the documents intimating the demise of Col MK Veeramani with a request to initiate action with CPPC, OBC to start Dependent Pension for the son being mentally retarded. The Bank Manager intimated the CPPC on phone and was advised to contact in the first week of December 2018 as they were busy with disbursal of Pensions on that day. Further follow up will be done with the PDA till the Dependent Pension is started

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(b)  Financial Assistance to the Family of Sgt Varadarajan. Sgt Varadarajan went missing from his duty station with Signal Unit of IAF at Baroda in 1983. The family does not seem to have made any efforts to get Family Pension till they contacted TSEWA. Since financial condition of the family is very poor, after verification by Treasurer and Hony Capt B Joseph, Joint Secretary and member of Charity Div of TSEWA, a sum of Rs 25,000 was sanctioned as assistance to the family. President suggested that the documents in the case be sent to Lt Col KS Gohil for using his good will in lodging a complaint with the concerned Police station and getting Non-Traceable Certificate.

Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry

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Legal Cases Not Yet Filed in AFT Delhi: Gp Capt CRR Sastry reviewed the progress of cases awaiting filing at the Principal bench of AFT New Delhi. President and Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) met Brig SKS Rana, VSM, President, Legal Div and Brig Anil Srivastava, advocate in AFT Delhi were requested to file cases expeditiously to avert criticism from the petitioners for undue delay.

Action: Gp Capt CRR Sastry

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Visit to MEG & Centre, Bengaluru: Hony Capt B Joseph (Retd) informed  that he will be visiting Bengaluru to interact with the retirees of MEG and since about 350 personnel are due to attend this month for discharge drill, he would require the assistance of another person in this trip. He requested for the assistance of Hony Capt MN Reddy who agreed to accompany him for this trip. The same was approved.

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Points from the President.

Shraddha Foundation: The foundation run by Col Viredran Tavathia of USA has connected us with Shri Prabhu Dayal, a donor willing to donate Rs 50,000 for charitable activities to TSEWA. Our bank account details were shared with the Foundation and the donor for the purpose of remitting the donation. President thanked the Foundation and the donor for their donation and expressed his happiness that the reputation of TSEWA as a very transparent and credible NGO striving for the welfare of the poor and dependents of very needy ESM is building up.

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NCESMO in Tamilnadu:  WO Thiru Chelvam, President, TSEWA, Tamilnadu informed that they have a Confederation of ESM Organisation and he was told to build a consensus in the Organisation for joining the NCESMO. President said similar efforts to form Confederation of ESM Organisations is required to be done in different states.

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Liaising with Advocates:Since the NEC has decided to file applications in other benches of AFT, the house decided that Advocates in Benches in South like Chennai, Kochi, and Mumbai will be liaised by Col Ravi Chowdary and Advocates in other Benches other than PB will be liaised by Gp Capt CRR Sastry.

Action: As Stated 

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Judgment on Retirement age of Captains in IN: The President mentioned the Judgment and it was discussed. However since, it pertained to Serving Personnel of IN, it had no relevance to the activities of TSEWA.

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MSP Cases: The Advocate in Chandigarh have opined that our case in the matter is not strong and declined our Brief. However, the house opined that a few volunteers in Hyderabad may file the case and tie up with Advocate for filing their applications.

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There being no other points the meeting was declared closed at 1130 hrs.

Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
President, TSEWA