Mail from Lt Col LM Singh, OiC ECHS Polyclinic acknowledging of receipt of Rs 5.50 lakhs from TSEWA

Dear Sirs,

This is to confirm receipt / credit of Rs 5.5 lakhs in the current account today.
All necessary & possible safeguards, legal and / or social means will be used to avoid any future complications. In fact, now that my own REPUTATION HAS BEEN PUT ON THE TABLE of postmortems / scrutiny, it’s in my own interest that I ensure 100% safe mode of disbursement.
However, since the moneylender ‘may want to’ keep it simple & away from likely public attention, I’ll be thinking of “Other means” too. Being a local, that much I can ensure to my own reputation hence to the widow and also to generous donors / TSEWA. Hope I could ‘convey’ what I wanted to.
Also, please be assured that whatever money / charity is received, NOT A SINGLE PAISA WILL EVER ENTER MY PERSONAL SPACE.
As I learnt – Matthew 16:26 – What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
Dear donors and sirs, please be rest assured that this brother Offr of yours will take goodwill of TSEWA forwards to genuine beneficiaries.
I remain,

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