Minutes of Meeting of 7th National Executive Committee of TSEWA held at 1000 hrs on 22nd December 2019
at 143, Vayupuri, Secunderabad- 500 094

The following attended  the 7th National Executive Meeting:

1 Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd) President in the Chair
2 Cmde Sudhir Parakala (Retd) Vice President
3 Col Dr GB Sethi (Retd) General Secretary
4 Col S Srikantha (Retd) President Karnataka
5 Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd) Joint Secretary
6 Hony Capt B Joseph (Retd) Joint Secretary
7 Hony Sub KV Subba Rao (Retd) Member
8 Hav Harish Asthana(Retd) Member, President, UP
9 Hony Flg Offr AV Reddy (Retd) Member & Vice President
10 Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd) Member
11 Maj Dr B Bikshapathy Member
12 Cdr Chandrashekhar (Retd) Member
13 Lt Col VS Ramana Reddy (Retd) Member


The National Executive Committee of TSEWA assembled at the time and venue mentioned in the Notice issued for the meeting to consider the agenda points contained therein.

The President welcomed all present and thanked them for their efforts to attend the meeting. He requested the General Secretary to commence the proceedings by speaking on his points.
General Secretary’s Address.
Agenda Items I &II:     Review of Progress of Points of 6th NEC Meeting.

The General Secretary covered following issues in his address:

› 4th AGM was held at Dehradun at a cost of Rs 45,000 which was possible due to very prudent organising by Brig RS Rawat (Retd), President, TSEWA, Uttarakhand and his team. All out-station Members travelled at their own expense.

› Growth of TSEWA in terms of Membership and pace of activities is sluggish; activities of active members need to be publicised.

› Exemption under Sec 80G of IT Act received and receipts for donations sent to all donors;

› ISO Certification renewed.

Only one awareness camp at Trivandrum was held at Trivandrum. Monthly address to retiring soldiers in EME Centre, Secunderabad and MEG & Centre, Bengaluru. State Presidents should organise Awareness Camps and Col Comdts of various regiments should be requested to invite TSEWA reps to address the retiring personnel to prepare them better for retired life in Civil street.

› TSEWA Trust was registered and first meeting held in September 2019. New Trustees were elected.

› One Awareness camp can be organised in Manipur or any other suitable location of North East and Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd) was requested to coordinate it with Lt Col LM Singh, Zonal President, North East Region and President TSEWA Manipur.

› The Corpus requirement for TSEWA Activities and Charity was discussed. It was decided that we should aim to collect Rs 2.50 Cr for maintenance of TSEWA and Rs1.0 Cr for Charity so that activities of TSEWA can be sustained on current levels.
The house considered the actions and decisions of the Core Committee since the last NEC Meeting and approved all of them unanimously.
The President briefed the house on the Charity rendered to Mrs Zemlingking and said that a sum of Rs 8.5 lakhs was received as donations and Rs 5.25 lakhs was disbursed to the beneficiary as per the recommendation of Lt Col LM Singh (Retd), President, TSEWA Manipur. It was decided that Rs 3.25 lakhs remaining would be utilised for charity during 2019-20 and 1920-21. The house approved the action of Core Committee for collection of Donations and assistance to Mrs Zemlingking to an extent of Rs 5.25 lakhs. Further it was approved that Rs 3.25 lakhs remaining would be utilised for charity during 2019-20 and 20-21.

Agenda Items III&IV: Approval of Expenditure & Notice from IT Dept

The Treasurer narrate the income and expenditure details since AGM held in Jul 2019 and placed before the house the list of routine expenditure for office maintenance and activities amounting to Rs 3.6 lakhs for approval. The house approved the same.

The Treasurer gave details of the IT Notice and said that suitable replies have been sent by the Auditor for these notices. Follow up is being done to get final disposal of these notices. All correspondence with IT authorities is to be done on line and they do not entertain any personal meetings as it was done in the past.

Agenda Item No V: Progress of Legal Cases & Possible future action.

Gp Capt CRR Sastry (Retd) presented details of his study as to which cases have already been filed in various AFTS for which OAs number are given, which cases are yet to be filed in AFTs and which cases are lying in HQ TSEWA as per advice of Brig SKS Rana, VSM (Retd), President, Legal Cell of TSEWA. He further explained among those awaiting the filing should be retained for filing and those which should be closed and members should be refunded the legal fee paid by them. Further he gave details of the Judgment of Supreme Court in Rojer Mathew …Appellant(S) vs South Indian Bank Ltd. & Ors. … Respondent(S) in which the constitutional validity of Part XIV of the Finance Act, 2017 and of the rules framed thereof have been assailed. The Court gave an interim relief to Government allowing them to appoint members of Tribunals under Rules that existed prior to passing of Finance Act 2017 thus paving way for appointment of members to AFT. In view of this judgment and the interim relief contained therein, there is no case for filing a PIL seeking immediate appointment of Members for AFT.
In view of the above position, he proposed to the house that we may watch the progress of appointment of members of AFT in next three to six months and then decide on further course of action. So, the house approved the views of Gp Capt CRR Sastry and his proposal.
Item No VI: Liaison Cells at Various Stations. The house noted with regret that the establishment of Liaison Cells at various stations has not progressed and requested the General Secretary to continue his efforts.

Item No VII &VIII. NCESMO: Cmde Sudheer Parakala (Retd) gave the house details of efforts made to form state chapters of NCESMO in AP, Telangana, Tamilnadu and Manipur.  The house appreciated the efforts of Col N Sitaramaiah (Retd) in this direction and wished him all success in his endeavours.

Progress made by NCESMO. He narrated the progress of NCESMO and details of issues discussed in the meetings held in December 2018 and February 2019. He expressed his hope that we will be able to get dates for a meeting with RM soon.
Item No IX: Succession Plan. The General Secretary said that the succession plan needs to be finalised by June 2020 so that we may put in place members to familiarise themselves with their duties in NEC and TSEWA. The house approved his suggestion.
There being no further points the meeting was closed at 1400h.


Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)
